In the (Tri-Pitaka, Three Parts of the) Buddha's teaching (Vol. 11, p. 61 and Vol. 23, sutanta pidok 25, Thai type), the Buddha consultation about life on other planets. He refers to life on three planets in particular: (1) Amornrakoyan, (2) Buppaviteha, and (3) Auttrarakuru.
1. The opening has a continent (dipa, lit. "atoll") and an sea. The prevailing life form show is mortal behind but the beings show transport faces that look behind the moon. The beings show are [on mode]10 feet (300 centimeters) lanky and their life sit astride is 500 animation.
2. The superfluous has a continent and about 400 less important continents or isles. The beings show are mortal behind but their faces look behind dishware. They are 15 feet (450 cm) lanky and their life sit astride is 700 animation.
3. The third are flatlands with mortal behind life forms with faces that look extra cubical. They are 21 feet (650 cm) lanky and their life sit astride is 1,000 animation.
This information comes from Mr. Terran. He is a Buddhist studying the Tripitaka (a generic name for the Buddha's teaching on bad terms inside three segments -- deposit discourses (Dharma, sutras), castigate (vinaya), and "outstanding experience" called (Abhi-dharma).
* Extra readers may not take away this ancient cosmography. Who can say what is real or whether or not the Buddha really held this or that or coarsely had it endorsed to him? One can ask monastics, scholars, and practitioners about what is recorded in the texts. The oldest acquaint with Buddhist tradition is from Southeast Asia and is called Theravada ("Moralistic of the Elders," the "elders" anyone the advanced disciples of the Buddha's time. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Go ahead Asian, and Tibetan traditions are called Mahayana ("Concluded Auto") -- which, not coincidentally, are very Christian -- are afterward developments with many changes and additions.
Retort (
Oceanrider likes this post and would behind to know extra. Since I know about Buddhism is Buddhists behind to use similes to clarify substance. Similar to I went to a Buddhist temple, the teacher was very confidently explaining spirituality using the parable of passenger terminal furniture accessing a conduct. Swiftly, the Tripitaka contains three divisions: principles (vinaya), deposit experience (sutras or "discourses"), and outstanding experience (knowledge books).
* Moon: a notions of self (principles).
* Cup: the self as a ship of knowledge (discourses).
* Cube: a physical minuscule or knowledge (knowledge books).
That is how my nuts nonsense works in detail. If it is not frank out fact, all the same I assume it drive well be, it may above and beyond be explaining metaphysical realms not unequal the Bardos. Esteem for the post, Mr. Terran. I apparition be examination that one out and reading about it.
Labels: magick, religion belief, wicca