
St Tikhon The Bishop Of Voronezh And Wonderworker Of Zadonsk And All Russia


Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, Bishop of Voronezh (in the world Timothy), was natural in the meeting 1724 in the identity of Korotsk in the Novgorod diocese, in the sphere of the coat of the cantor Sabellius Kirillov. (A new coat name, Sokolov, was restricted him afterwards by the suds of the Novgorod university). His set up died when Timothy was a teenage child, departure the coat in such neediness that his mother was barely capable to make ends create. She wanted to continue him to be raised by a neighbor, a coachman, the same as current was not any with which to waterway the coat, but his brother Peter would not award this. Timothy often worked a whole day with the peasants for a facts scheme of black cash.

As a thirteen-year-old boy, he was sent to a clergy school give or take a few the Novgorod archbishop's home, and earned his tall tale by working with the vegetable gardeners. In 1740, he was fix under a observe grant set up for the Novgorod university. The adolescents excelled at his studies. Upon carrying out university in 1754, he became a scholastic current, essential in Greek, and once in Public speaking and Morality. In the meeting 1758, he was tonsured with the name Tikhon. In that incredibly meeting they payable him to be prefect of the university.

In 1759, they transferred him to Tver, elevating him to be archimandrite of the Zheltikov monastery. Unconventional, they payable him cleric of the Tver university and, at the incredibly time, suds of the Otroch monastery.

His mark your ballot as bishop was providential. Conurbation Demetrius, the presiding fanatic of the Divine Synod, had inescapable to refocus the teenage archimandrite to the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. On the day of Pascha, at Peterburg, Archimandrite Tikhon was one of eight candidates what premeditated for mishmash as vicar-bishop for Novogorod. The lot fashion on him three period.

On the incredibly day, taking part in the Saintly Hymn, Bishop Athanasius of Tver, deteriorating realizing it, commemorated him as a bishop stretch cutting out particles from the prosphora at the Chart of Oblation. On May 13, 1761 he was sanctified Bishop of Keksgolma and Ladoga (i.e., a parson bishop of the Novgorod diocese).

In 1763, St Tikhon was transferred to the See of Voronezh. By means of the four and a deficient duration that he administered the Voronezh diocese, St Tikhon provided chronic culture, what's more by his life and by his assorted rural guidances and soul-saving books. He wrote a whole series of works for pastors:

Regarding the Seven Divine Mysteries

A Enhance to the Secretarial Part

Regarding the Mystery of Penitence

An Training Regarding Marriage

The saint premeditated it essential that each priest, deacon and reverend stay on the line a New Memorial, and that he basic read it weekly. In an Encyclical, he called on pastors to perform the Divine Mysteries with follow, with the pressure of God, and love for one's neighbor. (An Elucidation of Christian Duties was often republished in Moscow and Peterburg taking part in the eighteenth century).

At Voronezh the saint eradicated an ancient pagan outward appearance, the celebration in control of Yarila (a pagan god associated with the prosperity of grain and pigs). In the hazy districts anywhere aggressive units of the Don Cossacks were disconnect, he formed a champion reason to change sectarians to the Criterion House of worship.

In 1765, St Tikhon new the Voronezh Slavic-Latin school in the sphere of a university. He invited full-grown instructors from Kiev and Kharkhov, and wished-for the courses for it. He exerted ominously support and struggle to build up what's more the churches and the school, and to guide pastors to understand the tolerate for awareness.

The saint was untiring in his pains to administer the huge diocese, and he often exhausted nights deteriorating nod off. In 1767, simple health compelled him to continue up direct the diocese and die out for rest to the Tolshevsk monastery, at a separate 40 versts from Voronezh.

In 1769, the saint transferred to the monastery of the Theotokos in the metropolitan area of Zadonsk. Having rank in the sphere of this monastery, St Tikhon became a awesome scholastic of the Christian life. In the manner of ornate wisdom he set forth the archetype of true monasticism in his Jurisdiction of Monastic Active and his Guidances to Equal height from the Magnificence of the Concept, and in his own life he extreme this archetype. He set aside in fact to the precepts of the House of worship. Enthusiastically (violently weekly) he visited the temple of God, and he often sang and read in the choir. In time, out of humility, he flattering ceased participating and serving, but merely stood in the altar, politely making the Blot of the Hide over himself. He loved to read the Lives of the Saints and the works of the holy Fathers. He knew The Psalter by seat, and he normally read or sang the Psalms on his journeys.

The saint underwent ominously agitate such as he had to forsake his horde. Since he well again his health, he sympathy about returning to the Novgorod diocese, anywhere Conurbation Gabriel had invited him to suds the Iveron Vallaisk monastery. But when his cell-attendant mentioned this to the Best quality Aaron, he declared: "Are you mad? The Close relative of God does not rotate him to move not permitted from here." The cell-attendant conveyed this to His Tidbit.

"If that is so," invented the saint "I shall not move not permitted from here," and he tore up the incite. Sometimes he journeyed to the identity of Lipovka, anywhere he awful church services at the Bekhteev habitat. The saint journeyed moreover to the Tolshev monastery, which he loved for its reserve.

The fruition of all his spiritual life were the books that the saint wrote stretch in retirement: A Delightful Assets, GATHERED FROM THE Concept (1770), and ON Authentic CHRISTIANITY (1776).

The saint lived in very simple circumstances: he slept on straw, covered by a sheepskin cover. His humility was so awesome that he paid no support to the stick who laughed at him as he walked about the monastery, pretending that he did not knock it. He hand-me-down to say, "It is okay to God that even the monastery stick caricature me, and I value it such as of my sins." He often invented, "Moderation is elder than revenge."

In the same way as, a entertainer named Kamenev struck the saint on the derision saying, "Don't be so exalted" The saint, permissive this with credit, gave the entertainer three kopeks every day for the rest of his life.

All his life the saint "in tribulations, and sorrows, and manipulation... merrily endured, wary that current can be no circlet deteriorating the attain, nor attain deteriorating struggle, nor struggle deteriorating struggle, nor struggle deteriorating enemies" (Ode 6 of the Leadership).

Procedural towards himself, the saint was velvety towards others. On the Friday earlier Palm Sunday, he entered the cavity of his friend the schemamonk Metrophanes, and he saw him at celebrity together with Cosmas Ignatievich, of whom he was moreover loyal. State was fish refuse on the celebrity, and his friends became throw out (Acquaintance is not legitimate taking part in Lent, barrier for Saint's day days). The saint invented, "Sit down, for I know you. Intuition is superior than fasting." To a long way peacefulness them, he ate some of their fish refuse potage.

He addition loved the customary folk, and reassured them in their grievous lot, interceding with the landowners, and moving them to considerate. He gave not permitted his hostel, and gifts from admirers, to the simple.

By his goings-on of self-discipline and love of stray, the saint advanced in thinking of Nirvana and foresaw the far afield. In 1778, he had a prophet in his sleep: the Close relative of God stood in the clouds, and give or take a few Her were the Apostles Peter and Paul. On bended touch, the saint prayed to the All-Pure Virgin for the respite of the whole world. The Apostle Paul flamboyantly exclaimed: "Since they shall say, respite and safety; after that rapid destruction mood come upon them" (I Thess. 5:3). The saint fashion deadened in shake and in blubber. The follower meeting, he again saw the Close relative of God in the air and unlike kin give or take a few Her. The saint knelt down, and give or take a few him four others in white dress moreover fashion to their touch. The saint entreated the All-Pure Virgin for someone, that She would not forsake him (the saint did not article his cell-attendant who the four kin were, nor for whom the petition was ready). She answered, "Let it be as you ask."

St Tikhon prophesied ominously about the far afield, enormously the attain of Russia over the French in 1812. More than once they saw the saint in spiritual move, with a new and sunny guise, but he forbade them to speak about this.

For three duration earlier his leisure he prayed each day, "Give away me, O Noble, of my end." And a end of war declare in the daylight dawn invented, "It mood be on a Sunday." In that incredibly meeting, he saw in a dream a exciting turf with wondrous palaces upon it. He wanted to go in the sphere of, but they invented to him: "In three duration, you may stall. For now, embrace your pains." After this the saint apart himself in his cavity and admitted particular a few friends.

Both clothing and a gloomy were strong-smelling for the time of his death. He often came to roar over his tomb, stretch standing resonant from kin in a classified. A meeting and three months earlier his death, in a buttery dream, it seemed to the saint that he was standing in the monastery church. A priest of his vice- was move the Angelic Babe-in-arms, covered with a cover, out of the altar open the Official Doors. The saint approached and kissed the Babe-in-arms on the genteel derision, and he felt himself stricken on the left. Encouragement, the saint sensed a numbness in his left derision, his left leg, and a shake in his left hand. He fix this bad health with joy.

Hastily earlier his death, the saint saw in a dream a high and slanting steps and he heard a petition to revolt it. "At essential, I was appalling such as of consideration," he told his friend Cosmas. "But when I started to go revolt, the kin standing ring-shaped the steps lifted me superior and superior, up to the very clouds."

"The steps," invented Cosmas, "is the way to the Tranquil Place. Populate who helped were persons you stay on the line helped by your notification, and they reminiscence you." The saint invented with blubber, "I sympathy so, too. I sensation that my end is give or take a few." He frequently standard the Divine Mysteries taking part in his bad health.

St Tikhon died, as was revealed to him, on Sunday Esteemed 13, 1783, at the age of fifty-nine. The essential uncovering of his remnants occurred on May 14, 1846.

Saint Tikhon's glorification took place on Sunday Esteemed 13, 1861.


From your adolescents you loved Christ, O blessed one.

You stay on the line been an try for all by word, life, love, expect, purity, and humility.

As a result, you now seize in the luscious mansions,

anywhere you stand earlier the throne of the All-holy Trinity.

Divine Hierarch Tikhon, pray for the liberator of our souls.

Kontakion - Sidle 8

Successor to the Apostles,

jewelry of hierarchs, and scholastic of the Criterion Faith:

plead the Master of all to grant respite to the design

and to our souls awesome poise.


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