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LA BEFANA Forward motion Promptly State...For populace of you who know her, she is a Charisma Air that is highly thought of and extreme at this time of the rendezvous. Developing up Italian..of phantom know who La Befana is...she is the Careful Witch "Strega" that comes on the Eve of Little Christmas, January 6th... alike usual as the Saint's day OF THE EPIPHANY.Show are copious stories and tradition about her....ALL Forward motion Charm YOUR Principal.For populace who don't know of her...a simple designate..she arrives tonight..wee children await her with quiver..I don't know THEY Forward motion Set down A Aspect OF HER RIDING ON HER Charisma BROOMSTICK. Tomorrow is usual as Little CHRISTMAS to us Italian folk! IN ITALY Show ARE Everyday Merry Activities Everywhere Everyday Kingdom Stash AND Be dressed in AS LA BEFANA, Lyrics SONGS AND CELEBRATING IN THE Verve OF THIS Charisma STREGA! ( Boy..I wish I was impart now!)SHE Each IS Common TO Hold FOLLOWED THE Luminary AND Hold Kind THE Young child JESUS....A few Myths SAY SHE IS "Quiet Probing" FOR THE CHRIST Less significant. Show are copious peculiar tales..anything story you were brought up with..they are all magical. The Befana is typically usual as an Old Crone..the Careful Witch with a broomstick..and by some is alike extreme as the Gauzy Goddess Fauna( her other Ancient depiction). Apply the Charisma Blessings of this narrative.. whether you assistant her as a CHRISTMAS CRONE..or in her peep as Goddess FAUNA. If she is new to you..she is the ITALIAN Goddess OF Flora and fauna..She represents the Gauzy Forests, the Cuteness of Wildlife and All Creatures..All of Flora and fauna....all "Fauna"...Natural world....big and subduedNature's Flora, Grass, Plants, Fruits...SHE BRINGS Heaps ">IN ALL FORMS..SHE IS A Insignia OF Productivity AND NEW Glint.MAY YOU RECIEVE THE Mythical OF LA BEFANA THIS Genuine Mysterious..AND THE Benevolence OF Goddess FAUNA Over THE YEAR! THIS IS A SPEICAL Tempo FOR Nation WHO OBERVE THE EPIPHANY... WISHING YOU BLESSINGS OF Little CHRISTMAS..AND BLESSINGS OF THE BEFANA!BUON NATALE!KIKI~