The story centres upon two brothers, Dhuitarashtra and Pandu. Dhritarashtra was awning, therefore unsuitable to meaning, but was the regent for Pandu's sons (the Pandavas) at the rear his death. But Duryodhana, eldest of Dhritarashtra's hundred Sons (the Kauravas) was spiteful and could not see how the Pandavas were to be the heirs once upon a time his fright was the bigger brother. Court of law intrigues started and the Pandavas had to go wearing extradition wherever they formed secret allianes with compound powerful kings plus Krishna,Visbnu's version, the king of Dwaraka. In the manner of they felt strong masses, they demanded their utter back. Duryodhana jump at to payment a war but the discriminating elders prevailed upon Dhritaraslura to divide the utter fair and square relating the two groups. The Kauravas got Hastinapur as their assets and the Pandavas got Indraprastha (put on show enhanced Delhi).
The Kauravas once more became spiteful and represent were compound lesser quarrels culminating in the excellent slice game in which the Pandavas lost everything, plus their spouse Draupadi. The Pandavas after that had to win the crush of the Kauravas scarce their spouse to be with nothing on in electorate. They bad to go wearing extradition for twelve existence during which represent were compound botched attempts to appear them. At the rear the section of extradition was flat, the Pandava brothers demanded their utter back and on the unenthusiastic of the Kauravas, a full-scale war was fought for eighteen days on the fields of Kurukshetra (close Delhi). In the dispute thousands of combatants died, the particular survivors days the Pandavas. They got embittered with all the bloodshed that had in a meeting place and, at the rear installing their grandson Parikshit on the throne, started on a crave and perilous move towards the illusion of god Indra, gone the limitless Himalayas.HANDICRAFTS
Labels: hindu mythology, magick, mahabharata