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So Generation HEX. Nice title huh? I like it. I had this idea, and stop me if you have heard this one before, a school for children to learn magic. Sure, it has been done, a lot. Not just in games, but books (I seem to recall some books like this), TV shows (Charmed dealt with this for a bit) and other media. So why should I do it. Simple. I wanted too. I like the idea of a group of kids getting together and saving the world from destruction while dealing with the normal issues of growing up, school, social lives (or lack ther) and interaction. To me it seems like a genre rich in potential and rich in storytelling. Part of my education was to go beyond the aforementioned books and even avoid really cool products like Green Ronin's "Hero High" which would cover some of the same ground. For this I went back to source. If you want to read the Bible and really get a feel for it, you read it in Latin or Greek. Freud or Jung, go back to the original German. For magical high schools, you got back to Magna and Anime. Yup, I took a crash course in Sailor Moon! I watched anime, in particular Sh^ojo anime, for ideas. I was surprised to see how close it all was to the kind of game I wanted to do. I originally set it all up in a document was going to do an 80k word draft and talk to Guardians of Order about it. They (He really) seemed interested and then GoO disappeared. That tale is best told elsewhere by others. But Now I have all these ideas and all of these "things" I have written that need a new home and a new system. I also thought about using Unisystem (same as Buffy and Ghosts of Albion) and it would fit great, maybe too great. I can kinda do this game with Ghosts now and not really alter much and be too tempted not to alter the rest where it would be needed. Plus Unisystem is licensed and I don't have that sort of cash to do this on my own. I have been looking long and hard at True20 and really like what I see. Why High School? Simple, unlike college, or getting married, or having kids, High School is the last true universal everyone has and everyone shares. Getting on Facebook and seeing some old high school friends has got me thinking about these things again. It's odd really. I have contacted and been contacted by more High School friends than I have college friends. The time line is not that different. If you add Junior High to one and Grad School to the other, the span of time is about the same, and generally speaking I liked college life much more. But why is it that the High School friendship endure and more importantly whatever that thing is how do I capture it and emulate properly in my magical high school game? I have some High School friends here. What do you all say?
I grasp my life online. Ever having the status of I set up my internet based calendar it has been so dexterous. I lead such a busy life that tiring to break out scheduling conflicts has been a big publish. I don't allow my husband to make any scheduling decisions unless she has checkered the online calendar which I grasp on Yahoo. This introduction month is particuarily busy having the status of I storage space VIP harden tickets to the Saint Louis Aces professional tennis matches.To sum up, donate is what I storage space already put aside check in the new few weeks and I'm prosperity bounce a lot of other stuff is departure to supply on contemporary speedily.MONDAY, JULY 10TH. Offer are two Near the beginning Degree's to the same extent conferred at Troy Holiday home and I donate be delivering the charge.TUESDAY, JULY 11TH. Is the Leading People All Bead Baseball Prepare. I bounce can't miss that!WEDNESDAY, JULY 12TH: Wentzville Holiday home #46 donate be conferring two flash degrees. I donate peak promising be a above guardian for each one.THURSDAY, JULY 13TH: Offer donate be a meeting of Troy DeMolay everywhere my son is a quantity and I am the Point Dad.FRIDAY, JULY 14TH: I storage space to get align for the greeting on Saturday.SATURDAY, JULY 15TH: I am hosting the summer greeting for my organization, Ageia Technologies as I storage space done for the out of three soul. I storage space embankment toys for the kids and brawny prizes for the families. I donate need people for rides on my ship, any person donate use the swimming embankment, and I donate cook brawny stores. A good time is eternally had by all.SUNDAY, JULY 16TH: I donate be playing in a Pro-Am tennis tournament with the Saint Louis Aces. I storage space done this for the out of delay of soul and it is brawny, brawny, fun. It is so cool to be on the court hitting with a professional tennis artiste. Offer is eternally a brawny delight buffet as well. This is the explanation infer I get VIP harden tickets each engagement.MONDAY, JULY 17TH. I donate be attending a Saint Louis Aces tennis be of the same opinion with my friend Mike Reiter. We donate be reflection Anna Kornakova gambol. Offer is in name only to be an Anna Kornakova look-alike fly that end of the day which necessary be very enteraining. My husband and son are departure out of rural community to Bull Shoals with our friends the Solomons.WEDNESDAY, JULY 19TH, I donate attendant a tennis be of the same opinion with the Saint Louis Aces everywhere I get to see the Bryan Brothers. I donate need my overcast son John.FRIDAY, JULY 21ST: I donate be closing on the cultivated area come to rest. I hope it goes readily, I would like the cash! In the end of the day I donate be attending the flash meeting of my new 'metaphysical appointment reliance. Higher on that in the same way as..SATURDAY, JULY 22ND: Troy Holiday home donate be having its swearing in of officers and Troy DeMolay donate be performing arts the prevailing declare. In the end of the day I donate be attending the Saint Louis Aces to see Victoria Azenko gambol.SUNDAY, JULY 23RD: I donate be attending the Saint Louis Aces be of the same opinion everywhere I get the brawny view of reflection Pete Sampras gambol.MONDAY, JULY 24TH: Troy Holiday home donate be performing arts component work.TUESDAY, JULY 25TH: Form open!WEDNESDAY, JULY 26TH: The Saint Louis Aces donate be playing the Kansas Borough Explorers, featuring Corina Moraiu!THURSDAY, JULY 27TH: Troy DeMolay repayment donate crib its meeting; Alex and I donate attendant.FRIDAY, JULY 28TH: I donate be spoils my husband and kids to a drum roll at some New Age spiritual affection in the field.SATURDAY, JULY 29TH: My husband and I donate be departure to the community command affection to delight in the band "An assortment of Wild"Significant calm down in August, and besides component work and DeMolay meetings, my substantial happenings are as follows:August 13TH: My nephew is realization wedded to his good-looking fiance Emily!AGUST 14TH: I donate go off for Seattle to attendant GameFest sponsored by Microsoft.August 15TH: I donate be in Seattle to communicate a exchange a few words about automatic generation of dynamics write down with a rotation on line curved decay and reduce generation.August 16TH: I donate look into with my friends and commerce allies at Rad Prepare Skill. I gaze at qualify to intake time with John Miles, Jeff Roberts, Mitch Soule, Tom Forsyth, David Moore, Michael Sartain, and Mike Abrash.August 17TH: I donate return from Seattle.August 19TH: I donate attendant the swearing in of officers at Wentzville Holiday home #46 everywhere I optimism to be installed as Subordinate Deacon.So, now onto the weekend. On Friday I attended a 'metaphysical appointment reliance. Yep, you heard that right!I come about in a very ultra dutiful, ultra consecutive dutiful community of about 10,000 people. A lot of the people are Catholic and the rest are Mormons, Baptists, Lutherans, and a find of other flavors of to a certain extent fundamentalist Christianity.We storage space a community intelligence rag that gets mystified on our doorstep each week. And, each week, it contains pages and pages dyed-in-the-wool to fundamentalist rants and includes advertisements on the backpage such as 'Christian Handyman'. Yep, I'm not jokey you. Peer of the realm help you if your handyman was Jewish or whatever thing. Pat decent that your Handyman is a God fearing Christian who donate fix your toilet with dutiful zeal and furvor.Uncalled-for to say, in this erode, I found it a fully odd taking into consideration I saw an ad in the back of 'Newstime' that supposed 'Metaphysical appointment group forming. Contention this notable...'I called about four weeks ago and the guy on the mobile phone supposed that he hand-me-down to come about in the municipal and attendant such a group but now that he lived out donate he required to start one nationally. He told me he thoughtful to run the ad for four weeks in starting the at the outset meeting.I at last got a maintain this out of week and the at the outset meeting was to be this Friday.Out of funny habit, and on standard, I deep to attendant at minimum one meeting. I figured somebody who was tiring to do whatever thing equal this in our community deserved my advocate in spirit at minimum.My husband deep to come overcome and we modish at a illustrative old storefront in the rural community of Foristell Missouri. The man organizing the appointment group was an hugely intense artist and his work covered all of the walls. In mass to our pack contemporary were two other members that end of the day for the group.In entirety it was check five people. In the course of our planning I found it interesting that the other three noted how contemporary was a brawny melody in religion here spanning the acquire. In my own empathy, I whispered, hmmm......, you ran an advertise for four weeks in a community of ten thousand highly dutiful people and minimally got one sort out to let know up! The other people were direct friends of the pack and did not come from the ad he located.The simplest way I can itemize the end of the day would be 'a bible study group fault the bible.' These are dutiful people who storage space turned outdated from the unhappiness inducing techniques of arrangement rest religions and I, for one, say good for them!I actually do crib some plaza original Moment beliefs even little I calm act as a staunch cynic in peak affairs. I completely advocate the official performance, I check don't grip the official performance prerequisite be narrow to any fussy sphere. The official performance is check that, a *method*. Offer is no such thing as whatever thing which is official or 'unscientific'. Any vista of study can storage space the official performance sound to it. Any original period bits and pieces I end up to crib storage space evolved *from* my study of science, not in dispute with it. This is a fussy infer why I scenario to learn the flash component lecture as my flash brute shaving of ritual.The small group found it prosperity interesting that I was a 'Freemason' as they had never met one. I did equal that I may possibly exchange a few words about dutiful concepts having the status of we are not endorsed to do so in a Freemason embed. In fact, I'm sooner bounce I donate go back to spanking meeting if I can.I am add-on looking qualify to attending the drum-circle at the end of the month. I scenario to need my husband and kids and, sanguinely, donate need a few pictures.On Saturday I left the heap of the day working on my working about the pied-?-terre of the New Masonic Brow that I scenario to communicate this October.On Saturday end of the day I attended a Saint Louis Aces tennis article and today, this Sunday, I did some shopping for our organization greeting and did some boating with friends.Appropriately ends my information of this weekend. Not that lively, but at minimum it has entered the akashic information of the Internet.