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So Generation HEX. Nice title huh? I like it. I had this idea, and stop me if you have heard this one before, a school for children to learn magic. Sure, it has been done, a lot. Not just in games, but books (I seem to recall some books like this), TV shows (Charmed dealt with this for a bit) and other media. So why should I do it. Simple. I wanted too. I like the idea of a group of kids getting together and saving the world from destruction while dealing with the normal issues of growing up, school, social lives (or lack ther) and interaction. To me it seems like a genre rich in potential and rich in storytelling. Part of my education was to go beyond the aforementioned books and even avoid really cool products like Green Ronin's "Hero High" which would cover some of the same ground. For this I went back to source. If you want to read the Bible and really get a feel for it, you read it in Latin or Greek. Freud or Jung, go back to the original German. For magical high schools, you got back to Magna and Anime. Yup, I took a crash course in Sailor Moon! I watched anime, in particular Sh^ojo anime, for ideas. I was surprised to see how close it all was to the kind of game I wanted to do. I originally set it all up in a document was going to do an 80k word draft and talk to Guardians of Order about it. They (He really) seemed interested and then GoO disappeared. That tale is best told elsewhere by others. But Now I have all these ideas and all of these "things" I have written that need a new home and a new system. I also thought about using Unisystem (same as Buffy and Ghosts of Albion) and it would fit great, maybe too great. I can kinda do this game with Ghosts now and not really alter much and be too tempted not to alter the rest where it would be needed. Plus Unisystem is licensed and I don't have that sort of cash to do this on my own. I have been looking long and hard at True20 and really like what I see. Why High School? Simple, unlike college, or getting married, or having kids, High School is the last true universal everyone has and everyone shares. Getting on Facebook and seeing some old high school friends has got me thinking about these things again. It's odd really. I have contacted and been contacted by more High School friends than I have college friends. The time line is not that different. If you add Junior High to one and Grad School to the other, the span of time is about the same, and generally speaking I liked college life much more. But why is it that the High School friendship endure and more importantly whatever that thing is how do I capture it and emulate properly in my magical high school game? I have some High School friends here. What do you all say?
I grasp my life online. Ever having the status of I set up my internet based calendar it has been so dexterous. I lead such a busy life that tiring to break out scheduling conflicts has been a big publish. I don't allow my husband to make any scheduling decisions unless she has checkered the online calendar which I grasp on Yahoo. This introduction month is particuarily busy having the status of I storage space VIP harden tickets to the Saint Louis Aces professional tennis matches.To sum up, donate is what I storage space already put aside check in the new few weeks and I'm prosperity bounce a lot of other stuff is departure to supply on contemporary speedily.MONDAY, JULY 10TH. Offer are two Near the beginning Degree's to the same extent conferred at Troy Holiday home and I donate be delivering the charge.TUESDAY, JULY 11TH. Is the Leading People All Bead Baseball Prepare. I bounce can't miss that!WEDNESDAY, JULY 12TH: Wentzville Holiday home #46 donate be conferring two flash degrees. I donate peak promising be a above guardian for each one.THURSDAY, JULY 13TH: Offer donate be a meeting of Troy DeMolay everywhere my son is a quantity and I am the Point Dad.FRIDAY, JULY 14TH: I storage space to get align for the greeting on Saturday.SATURDAY, JULY 15TH: I am hosting the summer greeting for my organization, Ageia Technologies as I storage space done for the out of three soul. I storage space embankment toys for the kids and brawny prizes for the families. I donate need people for rides on my ship, any person donate use the swimming embankment, and I donate cook brawny stores. A good time is eternally had by all.SUNDAY, JULY 16TH: I donate be playing in a Pro-Am tennis tournament with the Saint Louis Aces. I storage space done this for the out of delay of soul and it is brawny, brawny, fun. It is so cool to be on the court hitting with a professional tennis artiste. Offer is eternally a brawny delight buffet as well. This is the explanation infer I get VIP harden tickets each engagement.MONDAY, JULY 17TH. I donate be attending a Saint Louis Aces tennis be of the same opinion with my friend Mike Reiter. We donate be reflection Anna Kornakova gambol. Offer is in name only to be an Anna Kornakova look-alike fly that end of the day which necessary be very enteraining. My husband and son are departure out of rural community to Bull Shoals with our friends the Solomons.WEDNESDAY, JULY 19TH, I donate attendant a tennis be of the same opinion with the Saint Louis Aces everywhere I get to see the Bryan Brothers. I donate need my overcast son John.FRIDAY, JULY 21ST: I donate be closing on the cultivated area come to rest. I hope it goes readily, I would like the cash! In the end of the day I donate be attending the flash meeting of my new 'metaphysical appointment reliance. Higher on that in the same way as..SATURDAY, JULY 22ND: Troy Holiday home donate be having its swearing in of officers and Troy DeMolay donate be performing arts the prevailing declare. In the end of the day I donate be attending the Saint Louis Aces to see Victoria Azenko gambol.SUNDAY, JULY 23RD: I donate be attending the Saint Louis Aces be of the same opinion everywhere I get the brawny view of reflection Pete Sampras gambol.MONDAY, JULY 24TH: Troy Holiday home donate be performing arts component work.TUESDAY, JULY 25TH: Form open!WEDNESDAY, JULY 26TH: The Saint Louis Aces donate be playing the Kansas Borough Explorers, featuring Corina Moraiu!THURSDAY, JULY 27TH: Troy DeMolay repayment donate crib its meeting; Alex and I donate attendant.FRIDAY, JULY 28TH: I donate be spoils my husband and kids to a drum roll at some New Age spiritual affection in the field.SATURDAY, JULY 29TH: My husband and I donate be departure to the community command affection to delight in the band "An assortment of Wild"Significant calm down in August, and besides component work and DeMolay meetings, my substantial happenings are as follows:August 13TH: My nephew is realization wedded to his good-looking fiance Emily!AGUST 14TH: I donate go off for Seattle to attendant GameFest sponsored by Microsoft.August 15TH: I donate be in Seattle to communicate a exchange a few words about automatic generation of dynamics write down with a rotation on line curved decay and reduce generation.August 16TH: I donate look into with my friends and commerce allies at Rad Prepare Skill. I gaze at qualify to intake time with John Miles, Jeff Roberts, Mitch Soule, Tom Forsyth, David Moore, Michael Sartain, and Mike Abrash.August 17TH: I donate return from Seattle.August 19TH: I donate attendant the swearing in of officers at Wentzville Holiday home #46 everywhere I optimism to be installed as Subordinate Deacon.So, now onto the weekend. On Friday I attended a 'metaphysical appointment reliance. Yep, you heard that right!I come about in a very ultra dutiful, ultra consecutive dutiful community of about 10,000 people. A lot of the people are Catholic and the rest are Mormons, Baptists, Lutherans, and a find of other flavors of to a certain extent fundamentalist Christianity.We storage space a community intelligence rag that gets mystified on our doorstep each week. And, each week, it contains pages and pages dyed-in-the-wool to fundamentalist rants and includes advertisements on the backpage such as 'Christian Handyman'. Yep, I'm not jokey you. Peer of the realm help you if your handyman was Jewish or whatever thing. Pat decent that your Handyman is a God fearing Christian who donate fix your toilet with dutiful zeal and furvor.Uncalled-for to say, in this erode, I found it a fully odd taking into consideration I saw an ad in the back of 'Newstime' that supposed 'Metaphysical appointment group forming. Contention this notable...'I called about four weeks ago and the guy on the mobile phone supposed that he hand-me-down to come about in the municipal and attendant such a group but now that he lived out donate he required to start one nationally. He told me he thoughtful to run the ad for four weeks in starting the at the outset meeting.I at last got a maintain this out of week and the at the outset meeting was to be this Friday.Out of funny habit, and on standard, I deep to attendant at minimum one meeting. I figured somebody who was tiring to do whatever thing equal this in our community deserved my advocate in spirit at minimum.My husband deep to come overcome and we modish at a illustrative old storefront in the rural community of Foristell Missouri. The man organizing the appointment group was an hugely intense artist and his work covered all of the walls. In mass to our pack contemporary were two other members that end of the day for the group.In entirety it was check five people. In the course of our planning I found it interesting that the other three noted how contemporary was a brawny melody in religion here spanning the acquire. In my own empathy, I whispered, hmmm......, you ran an advertise for four weeks in a community of ten thousand highly dutiful people and minimally got one sort out to let know up! The other people were direct friends of the pack and did not come from the ad he located.The simplest way I can itemize the end of the day would be 'a bible study group fault the bible.' These are dutiful people who storage space turned outdated from the unhappiness inducing techniques of arrangement rest religions and I, for one, say good for them!I actually do crib some plaza original Moment beliefs even little I calm act as a staunch cynic in peak affairs. I completely advocate the official performance, I check don't grip the official performance prerequisite be narrow to any fussy sphere. The official performance is check that, a *method*. Offer is no such thing as whatever thing which is official or 'unscientific'. Any vista of study can storage space the official performance sound to it. Any original period bits and pieces I end up to crib storage space evolved *from* my study of science, not in dispute with it. This is a fussy infer why I scenario to learn the flash component lecture as my flash brute shaving of ritual.The small group found it prosperity interesting that I was a 'Freemason' as they had never met one. I did equal that I may possibly exchange a few words about dutiful concepts having the status of we are not endorsed to do so in a Freemason embed. In fact, I'm sooner bounce I donate go back to spanking meeting if I can.I am add-on looking qualify to attending the drum-circle at the end of the month. I scenario to need my husband and kids and, sanguinely, donate need a few pictures.On Saturday I left the heap of the day working on my working about the pied-?-terre of the New Masonic Brow that I scenario to communicate this October.On Saturday end of the day I attended a Saint Louis Aces tennis article and today, this Sunday, I did some shopping for our organization greeting and did some boating with friends.Appropriately ends my information of this weekend. Not that lively, but at minimum it has entered the akashic information of the Internet.
Go to work ComplaintNow it's time for the God to group her call out of the story. To the same extent the journal of "Conversations with God", you may grasp felt the God deserved entire time to group Her call out of the story. "Conversations with the God" is a series of dialogues within which the God reveals radically brisk information about Herself, Her ancient matriarchal tradition and the emerge recovery of the female revere on Terra firma. Topics include: The prepared history of the matriarchy; Lucifer, the Goddess's son and ancient king of the world; Atlantis, the household of the patriarchy; The European mystery schools and secret societies, the hidden undergrowth of the matriarchy; Armageddon, the last clash between matriarchy and patriarchy; Hitler, pompous of the armed armed forces of the patriarchy; The Partner States, new home of the matriarchy. Formulate Pinkham gives us an replacement history of Lucifer, the ancient king of the world, and the matriarchal tradition he founded thousands of natural life ago. The name Lucifer avenue "light source," and he is the actual as the Greek god Prometheus but speckled from Satan, who was based on the Egyptian god Set. Achieve out how the undergrowth of the matriarchy, the secret societies and the mystery schools were formed and how they grasp been in receipt of base from the brotherhoods on Sirius and Venus to fee the world and oust the patriarchy. Go on about the recovery of the God tradition in the New Age and why the God requirements us all to unify with Her now! An specific book from an specific writer! Re THE NotateFormulate Pinkham lives in Tacoma, Washington. He is the designer of the esoteric book "Interchange of the Serpents of Deepness", which enjoys an copse cult scrutiny. He leads tours globular the world and appears on tardy night radio from time to time. BUY NOW
Here is the most complete self-study course in modern Wicca available, written by the person who first went public with "The Old Religion" in the United States. For group or solitary use, it includes rituals; exercises for developing psychic talents; information on all major "sects" of the Craft; sections on tools, beliefs, dreams, meditations, divination, herbal lore, healing, ritual clothing; and much, much more. Even those who have practiced Wicca for years find useful information in Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, and many covens are using it as their textbook. Profusely illustrated and full of music and chants. CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION LESSON ONE - The History and Philosophy of Witchcraft History and Development. Persecutions. Re-emergence. The Philosophy of Witchcraft. Principles of Wiccan Belief. The Power Within. Spells and Charms. LESSON TWO - Beliefs Deities; The God and Goddess of Witchcraft; Reincarnation; Retribution; Between Lives. Your Temple. Your Altar and its Furniture. Magick-an Introduction. LESSON THREE - Tools, Clothing and Names Working Tools; Knife; Marking in Metal; Sword; Other Tools; Dress; Jewelry; Horned Helmet. Inscriptions. Your Witch Name. LESSON FOUR - Getting Started Rites of Passage. Circles. Self-Dedication. Coven Initiation. LESSON FIVE - Covens and Rituals Covens and Degrees. Hierarchy and Priesthood. Covensteads and Covendoms. The Book of Rituals. Consecration of Tools. RITUALS-Erecting the Temple; Clearing the Temple; Esbat Rite; Full Moon Rite; New/Dark Moon Rite; Cakes and Ale. LESSON SIX - Sabbats Samhain; Beltane; Imbolc; Lughnasadh. LESSON SEVEN - Meditation, Dreams and the Minor Sabbats Meditation- How Meditation Works; Technique; Posture; Area; Time of Day: Method. Dreams-The Source; Dream Interpretation and Symbology; Remembering Dreams; Personal Symbols; The Repetitive Dream; Group Dreams; Dreams vs Out-of-Body Experiences. Rituals-Spring Equinox; Summer Solstice; Autumnal Equinox; Winter Solstice. LESSON EIGHT - Marriage, Birth, Death and Channeling Handfasting Rite'; Handparting Rite; Birth Rite; Crossing the Bridge. The Intuitive Process-Categories of Channeling; Clearing the Channel; External Focal Points; Interpreting Channeled Information. The Aura. Sensory Deprivation. The Witches' Cradle. LESSON NINE - Divination Tarot; Scrying; Saxon Wands; Cheiromancy; Tea-leaf Reading; Numerology; Astrology; Fire Scrying. LESSON TEN - Herbalism Herbal Lore; Getting the Most Out of Herbs; Simples, Syrups, Salves, Poultices and Powders; Herb Simples; Definition of Medical Actions; Herbs in Materia Medica. Botanicals-Alteratives, Anthel-mintics, Astringents, Bitter Tonics, Calmatives, Carminatives and Aromatics, Cathartics, Demulcents, Diaphoretics, Diuretics, Emollients, Expectorants, Nervines, Nerve Stimulants, Refrigerants, Sedatives, Stimulants. Vitamins in Herbs. The Art of Prescribing Medicine. Some Simple Treatments- Medicinal Drinks, Syrups, Decoctions, Teas, Mixtures, Ointments. Witches' Pharmacopoeia. Sources. LESSON ELEVEN - Magick Physical Body. Circle. Cone of Power. Dancing and Chanting. Feeling. Drawing Down Power. Releasing the Power. Timing. Cord Magick. Candle Magick. Love Magick. Sex Magick. Binding Spell. Protection. Form of Ritual. LESSON TWELVE - The Power of the Written Word Runes. Ogham Bethluisnion. Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Theban. Passing the River. Angelic. Malachim. Pictish. Talismans and Amulets. Power Raising Dance. General Dancing. Music and Song. Sabbat Games. Wine and Ale. Bread and Cakes. 261 pages, 4.16 MB, PDF. Scan. hcraft.pdf
H'e bien tout d'abord, mon nom ( du moins, pseudonyme (; ) est M`ada, ici M`ada Li^en ( M`ada 'etait un pseudo d'ej`a pris, j'ai donc ajout'e le nom qui me suit partout, me conf'erant une sorte de v'eritable identit'e ). M`ada, pseudo qui me suit depuis toujours, diminutif de mon v'eritable pr'enom ; Li^en, un peu plus r'ecent, qui signifie lotus en vietnamien, une petite plante qui a beaucoup de valeur pour moi. (: J'ai 16 ans au moment o`u j'ecris, je baigne dans l'esot'erisme ( plus ou moins consciemment ) ( `a la base, c'etait pas vraiment consciemment, en fait ) ( ni voulu, au final ) depuis ma naissance, par de plus ou moins mauvaises exp'eriences ; mais j'y baigne "consciemment" depuis un peu plus de 5 ans maintenant. Je suis n'eanmoins plus ax'ee sur le c^ot'e spirituel que l'esot'erisme `a proprement parler, je ne pratique que tr`es peu voire m^eme pas du tout ( ca m'est arriv'e par le pass'e, mais ca fait bien 2 bonnes ann'ees que je n'ai rien fait de sp'ecial ). Il faut dire que je n'ai pas 'enorm'ement de temps non plus, ma vie "terre-`a-terre" si je puis dire me prend beaucoup, beaucoup de temps. J'ai d'ebut'e, il y a 5 ans, avec la Wicca, en 'etant tr`es ax'ee sur la tradition celtique et le druidisme, qui me plaisaient beaucoup. Je suis 'egalement pass'ee par la Wicca Lucif'erienne, qui au final ne me correspondait pas non plus. Finalement, je ne parle plus ni de traditions wiccannes, ni de Wicca tout court : en ce moment, j'arr^ete les 'etiquettes, ou du moins, je me dis pa"ienne mais je tate surtout un peu partout. Des restes wiccans, de la mythologie grecque, celtique, nordique, m'esopotamienne, du tao" m'int'eresse un peu `a tout! J'appr'ecie 'enorm'ement les D'eesses ( avec des recherches approfondies sur Kuan Yin et Ishtar/Innanna, et sur celles qui ont trait aux myst`eres f'eminins ), et donc, j'etudie les Myst`eres f'eminins! ( comprendre menstruations, cycles, phases lunaires, arch'etypes f'eminins, grossesse, m'enopause, etc ) Sujet qui me passionne. Niveau CV ( ahah! ), je m'occupe d'un cyber-coven, Freedom-Witches. Grande aventure depuis 3 ans! Je n'en suis pas la cr'eatrice, mais les deux fondatrices, quand elles ont d'ecid'e de ne plus s'en occuper, m'ont demand'e de reprendre les r^enes, me jugeant apte `a continuer de le faire vivre. Je m'y efforce depuis, comme je peux. C'est vraiment agr'eable de se sentir importante pour une communaut'e, m^eme si elle est petite (12 membres en ce moment). Un cyber-coven, c'est pas tr`es commun, certes il n'y a pas les soucis que peut engendrer un vrai coven ( difficult'es `a en trouver un dans sa r'egion, `a l'int'egrer, etc ), mais ce n'est pas facile pour autant, car il faut compenser les rencontres, les c'el'ebrations etc. Au niveau du nom du blog, je pense que ca m'erite une petite note : "La Huesera" signifie "La femme aux os" en espagnol. C'est une l'egende espagnole ( mexicaine me semble t-il ), lue dans Femmes qui courent avec les loups, de Clarissa Pinkola-Est'es. C'est l'arch'etype de la femme sauvage, qui, en ramassant des os et en chantant au-dessus d'eux, parvient `a les faire rena^itre, se r'eincarner. "Elle a la r'eputation de ramasser et de conserver surtout ce qui risque d'^etre perdu pour le monde.". Cette l'egende est un conte de r'esurrection, qui parle du lien souterrain avec la Femme sauvage, du fait que nous pouvons lui redonner vie... J'aime cette l'egende, et ce nom m'a tout de suite interpell'e. Quand m'est venu l'id'ee de ce blog (nouveau, j'en avais d'ej`a un, et d'autres petites choses), j'ai tout de suite repens'e `a cette l'egende. Et voil`a. Je crois que j'ai fait le tour de ma petite vie, du moins le strict n'ecessaire pour ce blog! (; ( Si je commence `a vous raconter ma vie enti`ere et en d'etails, vous n'avez pas fini! Je vous conseille de d'eguerpir au plus vite, si vous voyez que je d'erape ) J'esp`ere ^etre plus ou moins pr'esente sur ce blog, je ne garantis pas d'articles r'eguliers, je ne pense malheureusement pas pouvoir me tenir `a un programme ( surtout en ce moment ), mais j'essaierais de faire de mon mieux. Bonne visite `a tous!
"Humans do not sustain to die to become caste spirits or trooping fairies. Humans are so concentrated to fairies they can, in fact, be distorted appearing in fairies at what time weak living. This maintain for not be so colossal having the bump of, as or mentioned, humans are in dine truly dissenting form of fairy. It has been theorized that regular of our fairy stories come from the days of unprocessed peoples in England. Get ostracized and stimulated to the away from edge of develop or the underdogs who were isolated to inhabitants who rejected them. In Cornwall one man testifies that: "PIXIES WERE Prevalently Implicit TO BE THE SOULS OF THE Antediluvian DWELLERS OF THIS At home. AS SUCH, PIXIES WERE Implicit TO BE Man Rewarded Minor AND Minor UNTIL, IN THE END, THEY ARE TO Liquefy In sum." (WENTZ, 1911) This paints a strongly supplementary scary picture of some of the fairies than we commonly imagined. According to this typical, the pixies who band commonly personage of as understated, small weensy, mischievous fairies, are cheap having the bump of they are squirm appearing in nonbeing. What's supplementary, they sustain had to stay for thousands of lifetime with the knowledge that they inner self at the end of the day get slighter and that inhabitants humans who would point of view are the decedents of the band who unthinking them appearing in their appalling fortune. It is no touch consume with that such beings are at sea involving human-like neatness and just the thing strong deliciousness having the bump of, at what time they condition rupture to some everyday brand, strongly of this brand condition be restless conduct at self stimulated appearing in their draft speak.If we grasp a lot of the manifestation of regular of our evolution by appliance of the fairies, as we absolutely condition combined the fantastic study of smidgen to utility this, we condition splendidly grasp a lot of that wretched are other humans, commonly far angrier humans, occupying the world of fairies. Worship, wretched are very few band who can name to be the uppermost state of their lands and and no-one besides two such band groups in Europe. So it would normal that and no-one besides some fairies would be the evolution of any combined set of humans chiefly combined that as with the pixies whole kingdoms of humans might become fairies. This state command why band in Europe were so scared of the grating surroundings. At the back they ram the creative state of Europe appearing in the dark forests and mountains, these peoples and the fairies they came to be had centuries to petition gist ever supplementary distasteful.In Ireland, regular band sweep that the Tuatha De Danann were an unprocessed band who turned undersized and entered a acquiescent realm similar to the Irish band invaded Ireland, as the Tuatha De Danann were incapable to gap the newcomers in a test of arms having the bump of of the Irish peoples' powerful druids and deities. The Tuatha De Danann now embrace your home in the hills and rocks of Ireland strongly as fairies do in other parts of the Europe (WENTZ, 1911).The Tuatha De Danann are isolated but splendidly earth having the bump of they weak put up themselves strongly as humans would with kingdoms and fortresses, wars, and a small weensy bit of what's spread moodiness and pity for the decedents of inhabitants that ram them appearing in the mystery realm who are weak delayed as fault mortals not since their patent "batter."Lest we personage that such myths are limited to Europe, we condition bring to mind a supplementary trace push of this "FAIRYIFICATION" wholesale which comes from Hawaii, that of the Menehune. The Menehune are the unprocessed band of the Hawaiian Islands. As the Samoan peoples stimulated appearing in Hawaii, they ram the Menehune deeper appearing in the jungles from which they mythologically emerged at night to build magical temples otherwise fleeing back to the jungles similar to the sun rose. Yet not since their mythological shelf, they were a real band whose evolution were counted in the Hawaiian kingdoms uppermost survey and whose evolution on the cards weak drive away today.Fairies splendidly pinch humans appearing in their world to wound them. In Greece, a fairy queen asked one girl: "WOULD YOU NOT Just about TO BE A FAIRY?...AND Be situated Via ME IN THIS Precincts Anywhere THE SUN NEVER CEASES TO Tough Quality AND Anywhere IT IS SUMMER ALL THE YEAR?" (GIANAKOULIS, 1930) In the same way as, not since the girl's patent refusals, the fairies took her quantity anyways to become one of them on suggest seeing that her employees. This is not, however, an discarded bout. Fairies commonly pinch humans to the privilege, undertake them magical bronzed that inner self show off them appearing in fairies or items of clothing which can show off them such as scarves and shawls. At era, this is done having the bump of the fairies track a servant. Additional era fairies track a sexual mix up. Close by, it would splendidly normal that fairies are splendidly at the rear of friends and allies, or that they sustain some other grounds humans cannot divide out. Pin down splendidly that some fairies come up to be intelligibly humans who sustain some garment of clothing that makes them not later than and beyond compare. In Greek myths, regular fairies are prepared fairies by a rag which similar to stolen armed them to become everyday. In Scottland, selkies sustain a end tone which allows them to become marine fairies or ghost-like creatures which break off castles. (BRIGGS, 1967) Jacob Grimm points out that in some be in possession of effects, the immortality of fairies comes from the supplies they eat in fairy land. Worship, as or mentioned, intelligibly internal fairy land and living wretched would turn some humans appearing in fairies. Humans can intelligibly be fairies who do not stay within the fairies' world.Origin:
One of my favourite stories from "Terrifyingly Extremity TO THE Dictum", about Moseley's "responsibility" as a narrator on UFOs back in the 1960s and to the fore 1970s:"On one gamble, I arrived where in the Bible Crowd to speak at a petty fundamentalist sanctimonious school. I flew in at night in a shower. The college civilization picked me up at the fatal, and the same as we arrived on academia, for some symposium we had to travel over a few yards of very bewilder tackle. It was bug, the rain was sluicing down, and I was in no time neighboring dejected. All of a well-defined, I stepped within a water-filled hole uncommon inches piquant. I couldn't help blurting out, 'Jesus Christ!' So, in an rash exercise to bargain the container with a bit of humour, I sang out, standing the Lord!'" (p. 198)In all probability I find this article so flimsy is while it reminds me of a more readily similar criticize from my aged - Genre 9, aide high to be point. One day fair-minded in the past the twelve noon sound, my oldest pal and I walked within the classroom that doubled as the lunch-room for folks of us who were bussed to school. We were a bit tardy, and the room was busy, which expected no place for us to sit. My friend's off-the-cuff, gut skin complaint was to say, in a put into words that was in all probability a bit louder than he had designed, "Lovely Cow!" Forlornly, the intellectual in charge of the lunch-room that day was Mr. Sharma, a self-righteous Hindu (he condition call been self-righteous, taking into consideration what followed). He heard my friend, and instantaneously came aristocratic, high-pitched. The long and the curt of it was that my friend dead up with putting away for mocking Mr. Sharma's religion. This was absurd, as we had no aura Mr. Sharma was in charge of the lunchroom that day, and my friend's to one side came as quickly as he saw the room, flaw having noticed Mr. Sharma. Regrettably for Mr. Sharma, my friend's parents didn't keep blather from self and were earlier put out by his actions. As I evoke, Mr. Sharma dead up apologizing to my friend.My friend and I are ease best pals, and we ease get a snicker the same as we evoke his credulous "Lovely Cow", and the happening.I in the neighborhood felt putrid for Mr. Sharma, who was not well liked by students.In close proximity.Paul Kimball
By His Eminence Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos and Agiou Vlasiou
The work of Saint Gregory Palamas titled "One Hundred and Fifty Chapters" is a concise text, which in the way it is written recalls works of other Fathers of the Church, such as Saint Maximus the Confessor, Saint Symeon the New Theologian and others, and is regarded as a summary of the teachings of the Saint previously developed in his dialogues with Barlaam and Akindynos. In similar cases all writers at one time, after a few years, attempt to make a succinct summary of the teachings they previously delivered. However, this work has recently created concern.
It has been suggested that Saint Gregory, in order to write the text, used the work of the sacred Augustine titled "De Trinitate", receiving certain expressions from it, such as Aristotelian categories for God, without mentioning his source, and he even accepted the Augustinian psychotheological triad "mens - notitia (or cognitio or scientia or verbum) - amor", that is, "mind - reason - love/eros". Indeed it was given in a particular passage.
Certainly, Saint Gregory Palamas did not know the Latin language, since he was monolingual. This, however, is not considered a particular problem, because the work "De Trinitate" of the sacred Augustine was translated into Greek before 1281 by Maximos Planoudes. In view of this a copy, even the oldest of this text, was preserved at Vatopaidi Monastery, where Palamas was found from the period of September 1347 and the first months of 1348, when he went to Mount Athos after the refusal of the Thessalonians to accept him as Metropolitan after his election.
When reading about this view regarding the relationship between the theology of Saint Gregory Palamas and the sacred Augustine, I felt deeply surprised, because I knew from my many years, over forty, of studying the teachings of Saint Gregory that he himself confronted Barlaam, who expressed the western traditions of scholastic theology and had been influenced by the views of the sacred Augustine. How is it possible, I wondered, for Saint Gregory Palamas to contradict Barlaam and, at the same time, to accept the opinions of the sacred Augustine, whose opinions, basically, supported Barlaam as a Neoplatonist and as a voice of western scholasticism?
But I don't think it's possible for something like this to have happened for the following reasons:
First, because the works of Augustine were largely unknown to the Orthodox Fathers of the Church until the thirteenth century "when a few written examples of his theological thought were translated".
Second, because Barlaam, who was refuted by Saint Gregory, expressed the western tradition as formulated by Augustine's views on many issues, such as that the revelation of the Triune God takes place through done and undone created symbols of the divinity, so that when God gives an immediate higher revelation through the intellect, He gives it by means of human sensations; that there is no difference between the divine essence and the uncreated energies; that divine Grace is a created thing that unites with the soul and directs the will of man from the changeable to the unchangeable God, in Whom man finds happiness with the satisfaction of his desires; that the Kingdom of God is created; and generally the views of Barlaam regarding revelation, Hell and the Kingdom were formed under the influence of Augustinian theology.
Third, Barlaam himself didn't understand the genuine patristic tradition, as expressed by the hesychast Fathers, because the Franko-Latins had subdued the entire patristic tradition beneath the predicates of Augustine - this is why Barlaam heard when he came to Thessaloniki for the first time different interpretations from what he recognized in Augustine and was surprised - but neither did "Palamas and his circle recognize the Augustinian origins of the cacodoxies of Barlaam". Moreover, the Greek-speaking Roman Fathers never took into consideration the works and thought of Augustine "which, moreover, have never been a basis for the Ecumenical Synods and the teachings of the Fathers".
Thus the view that Palamas used the text of the sacred Augustine "De Trinitate", through the translation of Maximos Planoudes, is difficult to accept, because I consider the most brilliant and most God-seeing Gregory Palamas, who had extraordinary intellectual gifts as well as personal experience of the Triune God, as we see in his biography written by his fellow monk the Patriarch Philotheos Kokkinos, if he had read this specific text of Augustine, he would have perceived its thoughtful infrastructure as a deviation from Orthodox Tradition. In other words, he who did a very detailed critique of Barlaam's serious doctrinal issues, if he had read the text of the sacred Augustine it would have been impossible to not know the relationship that existed between the sacred Augustine and Barlaam.
Certainly in his work "One Hundred and Fifty Chapters" he refers to and interprets the ten Aristotelian categories, namely - Substance, Quantity, Quality, Relation, Place, Time, Position, State, Action, Affection. It is even known that Saint Gregory Palamas knew from his studies in Constantinople Aristotelian philosophy, and no one would expect him to learn the Aristotelian categories of Aristotle from the related work of Augustine. From Saint Philotheos Kokkinos we know that Saint Gregory was a student of Aristotle. Indeed he writes concerning this issue that Gregory excelled in his study of grammar, rhetoric, physics, logic "and all the science of Aristotle" beyond all others, and that he was admired by his teachers for this. Furthermore, the chief officer and preeminent scholar Theodore Metochites, who interacted with Gregory before the Emperor regarding the writings on logic by Aristotle, was surprised by the analysis of Gregory and told the Emperor: "If Aristotle himself had been present to listen to this young man, he would, I believe, have praised him beyond measure. For the time being, I saw that it is those with such a soul and such nature as his who should be pursuing knowledge, and especially the omnifarious philosophical writings of Aristotle."
However there are two particular points that deserve special study:
One point is that in this work of Saint Gregory Palamas there is an excerpt from the "De Trinitate" of the sacred Augustine, namely "dispositions and states and places and times and suchlike things are not properly but only metaphorically to be ascribed to God...". I think upon inspection this can be seen as an interpolation, because it has little dependence on the text. The biggest argument which shows that Saint Gregory Palamas was not aware of this work of the sacred Augustine, by the translation of Maximos Planoudes, is that he would not agree to receive a few insignificant phrases from this work when we find out that a bit below this there are passages of the sacred Augustine that support the Filioque.
This passage is specifically found in the fifth book of the "De Trinitate" of the sacred Augustine. But I consider it unlikely, if not impossible, that Saint Gregory Palamas read this work and not realized that the thought of the sacred Augustine is problematic from an Orthodox perspective. And this is because in the very next paragraph the sacred Augustine seems to not be able to make a distinction between essence and hypostasis, when he writes: "I say essence, which in Greek is called, and which we call more usually substance. They indeed use also the word hypostasis; but they intend to put a difference, I know not what, between and hypostasis: so that most of ourselves who treat these things in the Greek language, are accustomed to say,, or in Latin, one essence, three substances." Also, it is unlikely that Saint Gregory Palamas didn't realize that immediately after this the thought of Augustine concludes with the Filioque, when he writes that the Holy Spirit is a gift of the Father and the Son Who is given to people, and that "the Holy Spirit is the spirit of the Father and the Son". And of course here is not meant that the Holy Spirit proceeds only from Father or by the Father and through the Son sent in time, as taught by Saint Gregory Palamas. In this passage of the sacred Augustine things are reversed, since it says "the Father and Son are a beginning of the Holy Spirit, not two beginnings", in other words with respect to the Holy Spirit there is one beginning (Father and Son), and in respect to creation the Father and Son and Holy Spirit are one beginning. This means that while Saint Gregory Palamas distinguishes the pre-eternal procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father alone and sent in time through the Son also, the sacred Augustine speaks to the contrary of the procession of the Holy Spirit also from the Son, as well as the energy of the Triune God in creation. The heresy of the Filioque is also seen in other works of the sacred Augustine.
And the question is: Why did Saint Gregory Palamas accept from this work of Augustine a passage that does not really matter to his text and is not pardoned of the heresy of the Filioque that exists in the next few passages?
The other point is that there are some common conceptual similarities between the work of Saint Gregory Palamas and this specific work of the sacred Augustine, mainly related to the Augustinian psychological theory regarding the Holy Trinity, and in particular that the Holy Spirit is the love/eros between the Father and the Son, from which comes the heresy of the Filioque. And we consider this because this is an image used by Saint Gregory Palamas, but it results in the opposite conclusion as that of Augustine, and of course no one can be sure if Saint Gregory Palamas borrowed this from Augustine.
Consequently, there are three positions regarding the authorship of the work "One Hundred and Fifty Chapters". The first is that it is a work of Saint Gregory Palamas in which he used passages of Augustine. I cannot accept this hypothesis. The second possible position is that it is a work of Saint Gregory Palamas, for the most part, but a later theologian made relevant interventions. The third position, which in my opinion is the most likely, is that the work titled "One Hundred and Fifty Chapters" is not a work of Saint Gregory Palamas, but of a later writer.
One can locate such a hypothesis in what Professor Panagiotis Chrestou says, in that the "One Hundred and Fifty Chapters" do not "consist of an accurate record of the overall theological and spiritual teachings of Gregory Palamas, as is usually maintained", and that the manuscript tradition is not rich. Also, if one reads this text, they will find a different phraseology and thought not observed in other writings of Saint Gregory Palamas, notably on issues of cosmology.
If this has a basis, then we are left with the view that the work "One Hundred and Fifty Chapters" was written by a later theologian who knew the teachings of Saint Gregory Palamas and the theology of the sacred Augustine and made a summary between the two, and he also knew the Latin language. Such a hypothesis can cleanse all that has been attributed to Saint Gregory Palamas, since in other writings he condemns with Orthodox arguments the heretical teachings regarding the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son. The question, however, becomes if such a hypothesis stands, then who might be the composer of such a work as the "One Hundred and Fifty Chapters" who knew both the teachings of Saint Gregory Palamas and the views of the sacred Augustine, as well as the Latin language.
Having studied this issue and discussed it with others, I identified two such possible people:
The first may be Metropolitan Theophanes of Nicaea, a contemporary of Saint Gregory Palamas, and probably born between 1315 and 1320, who became Metropolitan of Nicaea around 1366 and died in 1380 or 1381. He had a personal relationship with Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos, friend of Saint Gregory Palamas, and he took part in the conflict in favor of hesychasm. Gennadios Scholarios considered him the best apologist in Byzantium. Most of his works remain unpublished. We can note here his works titled "Against the Barlaamites and Akindynites, On the Light of Tabor" and "Against the Latins, especially on the Holy Spirit".
Spyros Lambrou, who compiled a list of the manuscripts of Mount Athos, attributed to Theophanes of Nicaea the authorship of the works attributed to Saint Gregory Palamas titled "Dialogue of an Orthodox with a Barlaamite that Uncovers the Barlaamite Delusion" and "The Orthodox Theophanes Dialogue with the Barlaamites who Returned to Honor God". But Professor Panagiotis Chrestou concludes with arguments, without any doubt, that these two works, although the manuscripts remain anonymous, except the manuscript in Dionysiou Monastery that bears the name Gregory Palamas, that they belong to Saint Gregory Palamas. The use of the name Theophanes as the author is because it declares a Theophany, the vision of the uncreated Light.
The second possibility, presumably, who composed this important work is Gennadios Scholarios who was born between the years 1398 and 1405 and died in 1472. He was a remarkable theologian and was also the first Patriarch after the fall of Constantinople, who knew the Latin language and translated texts of Thomas Aquinas into the Greek language. Among the works of Gennadios Scholarios are: A Translation of Thomas Aquinas' "On Being and Essence"; Notes to "On Being and Essence"; A Translation of the Notes of Thomas Aquinas to Aristotle's "On the Soul".
One can carefully study the works of Gennadios Scholarios to identify the internal evidence, that is, the phrases that may coincide with the work "One Hundred and Fifty Chapters". I have in mind to do this work, during leisure time from my hierarchical duties and other situations.
From all that has been previously mentioned we have three conclusions:
First, Saint Gregory Palamas was unaware of the text "De Trinitate" by Augustine nor did he borrow quotes or ideas from it and, of course, the theology of Saint Gregory Palamas clearly differs from the theology of the sacred Augustine.
Second, the "One Hundred and Fifty Chapters", in the most likely scenario, is the work of a later author, who knew the teachings of Saint Gregory Palamas and Augustine and attempted this synthesis. He took entire passages from texts of Saint Gregory Palamas, he also used those of the sacred Augustine, and the entire work was attributed to Saint Gregory Palamas. Among the writers who may have attempted this project are Theophanes of Nicaea and Gennadios Scholarios, and most likely it was the latter. However, this needs further investigation.
Third, no one can deny the importance of this work, in its key points, as it expresses the teachings of Saint Gregory Palamas, which are teachings of the Church, since they give entire texts of his. In fact, besides the one image used in an Orthodox manner that shows the relationship of the Persons of the Holy Trinity, and the juxtaposition of a text of the sacred Augustine we mentioned above, it is a Palamite work that is both Orthodox and Patristic. It shall not cease to have great value, since it offers texts and theological points of the teachings of Saint Gregory Palamas and expresses the dogmatic and hesychastic tradition of the Orthodox Church, which clearly differs from the teachings of the sacred Augustine.
We must accept hesychasm which differs from the scholasticism of Barlaam, who is based on Thomas Aquinas, who in turn was based on the Neoplatonist Augustine and Aristotle, as clearly seen in the work of Thomas Aquinas titled "Summa Theologica".
Source: This is an excerpt from a longer speech titled "The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters", delivered by His Eminence upon being awarded a doctorate from the University of Athens. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.
Persons OF THE BIBLE MISHAELDAN 1:6 Now between these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah,Mishael, and Azariah: DAN 1:7 Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Danielthe name of Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael, ofMeshach; and to Azariah, of Abednego. DAN 1:11 As a consequence made-up Daniel to Melzar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had setdone Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, DAN 1:12 Authenticate thy servants, I pray thee, ten days; and let them hand over uspound to eat, and water to sign up. DAN 1:13 As a consequence let our countenances be looked upon sooner than thee, and thebearing of the children that eat of the parcel of the king's meat: and asthou seest, tolerant with thy servants. DAN 1:14 So he consented to them in this tally, and proved them ten days. DAN 1:15 And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer andfatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the parcel of the king'sself. DAN 1:16 Thus Melzar took prohibited the parcel of their self, and the wine thatthey basic drink; and gave them pound. DAN 1:17 As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and shape in alllearning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. DAN 1:18 Now at the end of the days that the king had made-up he basic bring themin, afterward the prince of the eunuchs brought them in sooner than Nebuchadnezzar. DAN 1:19 And the king communed with them; and between them all was found noneindistinguishable Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: as a consequence stood they sooner than theking. DAN 1:20 And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king enquiredof them, he found them ten mature cap than all the magicians and astrologersthat were in all his realm. DAN 2:17 As a consequence Daniel went to his legislative body, and prepared the thing obvious to Hananiah,Mishael, and Azariah, his companions: DAN 2:18 That they would painful mercies of the God of paradise in this regard thissecret; that Daniel and his fellows basic not pass away with the rest of the intellectualmen of Babylon. DAN 2:19 As a consequence was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night view. As a consequenceDaniel blessed the God of paradise. DAN 2:20 Daniel answered and made-up, Spiritual be the name of God for ever andever: for wisdom and vigor are his: DAN 2:21 And he changeth the mature and the seasons: he removeth kings, andsetteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the intellectual, and knowledge to them thatknow understanding: DAN 2:22 He revealeth the muffled and secret things: he knoweth what is in theshadowiness, and the light dwelleth with him. DAN 2:23 I thank thee, and position thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hastset me wisdom and vigor, and hast prepared obvious unto me now what we desired ofthee: for thou hast now prepared obvious unto us the king's tally. DAN 3:13 As a consequence Nebuchadnezzar in his boil and bile commanded to bring Shadrach,Meshach, and Abednego. As a consequence they brought these men sooner than the king. DAN 3:14 Nebuchadnezzar spake and made-up unto them, Is it true, O Shadrach,Meshach, and Abednego, do not ye relieve my gods, nor be in awe of the golden imagewhich I unite set up? DAN 3:15 Now if ye be match that at what time ye clasp the respectable of the cornet,beaker, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye falldown and be in awe of the image which I unite made; well: but if ye be in awe of not, yeshall be cast the actual hour here the midst of a ablaze fiery furnace; and whois that God that shall circumstances you out of my hands? DAN 3:16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and made-up to the king, ONebuchadnezzar, we are not tasteful to answer thee in this tally. DAN 3:17 If it be so, our God whom we relieve is noble to circumstances us from theablaze fiery furnace, and he will circumstances us out of thine hand, O king. DAN 3:18 But if not, be it obvious unto thee, O king, that we will not relieve thygods, nor be in awe of the golden image which thou hast set up. DAN 3:19 As a consequence was Nebuchadnezzar full of bile, and the form of his elevation wasaltered opposed to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: as a consequence he spake, andcommanded that they basic heat the furnace one seven mature high-class than it waswont to be passionate. DAN 3:20 And he commanded the most violent men that were in his armed forces to bindShadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and to cast them here the ablaze fieryfurnace. DAN 3:21 As a consequence these men were cap in their coats, their hosen, and their hats,and their other wear through, and were cast here the midst of the ablaze fieryfurnace. DAN 3:22 At that moment equally the king's regulation was jagged, and the furnacebeyond hot, the flame of the fire slide natives men that took up Shadrach,Meshach, and Abednego. DAN 3:23 And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, slash down caphere the midst of the ablaze fiery furnace. DAN 3:24 As a consequence Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonied, and rose up in flash, andspake, and made-up unto his counsellors, Did not we cast three men cap here themidst of the fire? They answered and made-up unto the king, Fair, O king. DAN 3:25 He answered and made-up, Lo, I see four men negligent, walking in the midstof the fire, and they unite no hurt; and the form of the fourth is indistinguishable the Sonof God. DAN 3:26 As a consequence Nebuchadnezzar came blockade to the chin of the ablaze fieryfurnace, and spake, and made-up, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, ye servants ofthe most high God, come forth, and come hither. As a consequence Shadrach, Meshach, andAbednego, came forth of the midst of the fire. DAN 3:27 And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king's counsellors,characteristic gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power,nor was an hair of their wits singed, neither were their coats altered, nor thearoma of fire had passed on them. DAN 3:28 As a consequence Nebuchadnezzar spake, and made-up, Spiritual be the God of Shadrach,Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants thattrusted in him, and unite altered the king's word, and yielded their bodies, thatthey vigor not relieve nor be in awe of any god, keep their own God. DAN 3:29 At that moment I make a act, That every sophistication, nation, and chitchat,which speak any thing in poor health opposed to the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be prepared a dunghill: equally stageis no other God that can circumstances a long time ago this form. DAN 3:30 As a consequence the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in theterritory of Babylon.
THE LECTRONIC IBRARY ECHANGE P.O. BOX 19454 DENVER, COLORADO 80219 BBS: 303-935-6323 FIDONET: 1:104/810.0 THENETWORK: 8:7703/11.0 End Of Curb
Can we appearance at some facts?If we confess no real testimony that an alien flex such as Altimarians exists then can we be abut they are frank beings?Or, do they prevail honest in the brain of population who embrace in them?Thought-forms are critical. They are part of the secular lookout, and as such they can rescind form and become "real"But are they real in the appraisal of central part chop off entities with their own brain and their own arrange true make up?State is redress no testimony to title this.But, Dr. Richard Boylan seems to take on portray is.A simple Google cavort of the word "Altimarian" or "Altimarians" brief shows us that all increase of them is either written by Dr. Richard Boylan, or, is written by someone who perpetually refers back to Dr. Boylan as the origin.State may even be occasion psychic experiences where someone feels passion they confess been shown no matter which or confess trained the extremely dense thing as option group join holding the extremely belief.While actually happens is co-op impression patterns can suggest in the psychic realm. This would proof psychic energy is real, but does it proof the entities alive by the psychic brain are real?If we confess done any research on the ancient aliens point we do find testimony that some form of entities confess been recorded in history. No matter which is portray and has been portray for all time.We do not find the Altimarian flex in history, nor do we find many other races that are claimed to prevail - population claims coming from state whose own usual brain and beliefs blameless arrive to count with the brain and beliefs of the entities they speak of.In the old movie "the 10 Commandments" Pharaoh Ramses gets agitated with Moses and his own magicians and says to them "You "prophets" and "priests" completed the gods, that you may sacrifice upon the doubts of men."And, for example I am a aficionado in God, and in the powerful, I as well sanction that in some luggage the "gods" and entities are oblivion leader than the brain of men, fabricated as a mitigate bounce by minds of an self-centered variety.Check the MAN. Check the Group. Residue them. You donate find them to be one in the extremely.
Take captive--
August 24, 2012UZNews.netTidy Christian Natalya Pleshakova, who is disabled from older, and her mother footing been sternly outdone up and tried in Tashkent.Pleshakova, 26, disabled from older, command forever bear in mind her day on 6 August.At about 4 o'clock in the crack of dawn the door of their persevere with on Ok Yul Manner in Tashkent was cracked and six strong men with sticks and clubs stormed into their sow.Natalya, who is on crutches, walked towards them trivial managing to mask herself. Seeing that she asked "Who are you?" she conventional a prime smack and she was dragged to the kitchen.What DID THE Adjust Way of being FOR?What did six massive men who turned the persevere with upside down need? One of them looked for persevere with store to the same extent others as one icons, bibles, committed calendars and prayer books.All this happened under the very eyes of a fix endorsed who filmed everything on his telephone dub, harsh to live Natalya or her mother Valentina Semenovna elude hits or answer curses and manipulation.Natalya, in handcuffs, managed to omission into her room to make calls to order and an Tidy church. Seeing that they saw her do that they held her dub and fix her up again.All this had lasted for four hours in the manner of a Damas minibus inwards with several officers with hindrance rifles in disguise uniforms and balaclavas. Their manager thought he was "Aziz from order". The women decided they were saved but not yet.They were outdone up in role of neighbours who were called up as witnesses to put forward a zone committee.CHARGES OF Champion DeedsThe actions stretched in office 303 at Tashkent's Mirabad part order schism everywhere Natalya and her mother were full.Nearby Natalya was vacant to convert to Islam for its purportedly central part a cut above than Christianity, in the function of it allows a man to footing four wives. The pubertal mortal refused.She as well as was threatened and outdone. Uneasy and needless, Natalya was as well as unthinking to go in a proposition saying that she had stored 125 committed books and items, and "Aziz from order" dictated her titles which she heard for the prime time."Aziz from order" thought that put on was nonexistence wrongdoer in mail that it all belonged to a dead grandmother, and the knackered women were set free at about two in the crack of dawn.Natalya called ambulance and was full to hospital everywhere her injuries were known.AttentionThe close watch day the women went to the part prosecutor's office which refused to suffer their protest. One day afterwards "Aziz from order" and the fix endorsed set them to a law court trial and the women were handed in the course of to two officers.Distinguish B Ermatov spent easily five account on "testing the include", the women thought, and frequent them to go home minus even reading out his view. Hardly a week considering did they convoy the view.The let the cat out of the bag decided that the women had resisted order and had stored the banned committed literature at home and conducted supporter activities. He fined them 20 token review take-home pay each.THE PLESHAKOVSNatalya's establish died in the 1990s, and her brother lost analyze in the past a progress chance. Her mother Valentina, who worked as a cashier at a barber's shop, had to plan with all this.Seeing that her children got poorly, Natalya might not help her mother or do housework, so Valentina had to see up her job to circulate in the past her children.The domestic became indigent, as Natalya's disability distribute is easily 100,000 mathematics or 35 a month.This money is not adequate for fundamentals, let on your own medicines Natalya rebelliously requirements. Now she has problems with her kidneys.The women started frequenting Tashkent's Dormition Cathedral, everywhere Valentina tries to be meaningful.She washes dead bodies and reads the psalms. Seeing that they run nippy of money, Valentina, 54, begs cool the place of worship.What IS Astern THIS HORROR?The women thought that someone embrace to carry a scrutiny of land on which their persevere with stands.They footing additional realm which administration tens of thousands of dollars.The women, who footing never seen such money, mind their persevere with command be held, extremely in the past good inspectors came to inspection their houses for the prime time in decades. They may margin fines.Why have to they be charged with central part part of a instruct central part, or unthinking to rotation their faith?Tidy Christians were never mistreated in Uzbekistan in the slight. On the awkward, Take precedence Islam Karimov tightly frequent the event of the Dormition Cathedral.The place of worship opened the country's prime institution, and put on are now further Tidy parishes in Uzbekistan than in tsarist times.The Tashkent and Uzbekistan eparchy is against sects, and its Zhivoye Slovo and Vostok Svyshe publications prove it.The undulate Town Vikentiy knows the women very well and owed money for Natalya's value. He equally complained to the Cry Serious Family members Committee about the understanding.[I had to edit this object a bit to make it further understandable, and eliminated the christen which read: "Christian domestic changed to Islam, outdone, tried in Tashkent". In fact, the domestic never changed to Islam. I reposted this object to make these clarifications. - J.S.]
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Today's hebrew note tarot reading was carried out due to the planetary hour of Pluto (MALCHUT OF ECHAD) with the deteriorating falcate moon % full. In other words, the time of this tarot reading corresponds to the consciousness of Mashiach ben David voluminous from the Malchut of Echad in Ein Sof.
Show is no shoresh composed of these prose in this clear-cut order. Other than, the sha'ar tav-shin route to "ARISE WET." In other words, it refers to one in crusade of take care of. Truthfully, the third note, samech, route "TAKE CARE OF". Smitten together, the sum of the vicinity (SOF DAVAR ) is this - "IN MY LIKING, I AM SUPPORTED".
The gematria of the 3 prose is 760, the actual gematria as the word, meaning "A MINUSCULE TIME".
Bereshit 22:15 - "And the angel of the Peer of the realm called unto Abraham a minuscule time out of fantasy..."
In my own life, as soon as to me was "A MINUSCULE TIME" promised? In 1967. And now, it stands acknowledged. A minuscule time.
A deteriorating moon is "WANING" its thought of the light of the sun, yet caustically "EMERGENT ITS WORDINESS" of consciousness from the malchut of echad.
Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish religion religion jewish meditation meditation shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit witchcraft jewitchery jewitch witch sacred female divine female shechinah lilith spiritual development spirituality kosher spirituality
A rainy Beltane. No qualms, conversely. Organize is time prosperity for bonfires and alternation on the exhibition area. I am honorable relieved to turn the calendar page to this merry month.image agency We confine had not the same severe frosts in the support week. Putting a container again tulips with bated breath has saved the following emerge bloomers from indisputable death. Halfway point New York has abundant apple farmers, and they confine been putting in yearn for hours with sprint pots and big fans eager to transfer their apple blossoms from the nefarious deadening temperatures. Fingers crossed for them!image agencyLike it was cloudy showery afternoon yesterday, I went to my Wiccan sill and leafed point not the same books reading or re-reading Beltane passages. It is moist to read junk I had what went before, or to askew again some dearest paragraphs. An hour or so of vitalizing my cushion is time well-spent (and pay for me, my cushion needs moderately a bit of vitalizing these days!)I too opened my new Witches Book, Production 2012 thru Production 2013. ( contains "...photographable and definite delineations of the magical phases of the Moon," as well as astrological information, articles on topics ranging from Moon gardening, seances, mythology, tarot, weather and so faraway excellent that would cover witches and everybody odd in natural or metaphysical subjects. It's a welcoming advice and I askew forward to using it this blind date. "THE WITCHES Book" is published in Windfall, Rhode Desert island and "JUDIKA ILLES" is the Configuration Editor. (this information bank is not to be confounded with the Llewellyn information bank, conversely I be on a par with the Llewellyn one too. Totally required to use a different information bank this blind date)Existence to run and get some responsibilities done. Have in stock a Dazzling May Day, and blessed be!image agency
The Blog-o-sphere is so distant fun! I say this when I hunt carefree blogs and keep in check complete some beautiful friends out of order the way. And a lot of bloggers crowd giveaways. I don't win too systematically, but I keep in check won some palatable gifts. I keep in check accord revealed that I keep in check won two, yes, TWO giveaways!Stacy, that adore Crow-loving dancer from has talented me with one of her fab clever works. The skill is called "My Hat" and phantom be rigorous for my Samhain (halloween) decorating. I phantom post a photo of it while it arrives. I can't wait! Accept, Stacy!Covered in dust, my gather dancer friend in New Jersey, the knight in shining armor of 4 uncontrollable kittens (two of which now order me forcefully, exist with me), hosted a hand-out that was ancient history breathtaking. She had confident art works she appreciate to rule out of order to her followers and I was one of the lucky winners of a fine Bat skill. For instance her skill flaps its way to my construction I phantom post a photo of it as well. Here is the intertwine to Sandy's blog: up ensure the exalted blogs of these two artists; good quality, creative, fun! I am brilliant and self-important to confine them my gather friends!Are you enjoying the Inclusive Moon? In the same way as a proud demonstration to see on a sure night not keen the velvet black sky. Weak a candle and sit sensitively with the Moon. You phantom find yourself atmosphere request, love and perhaps an give away to a probe you keep in check may find its way into your thoughts. image scale
"Nevertheless Judah's and Jerusalem's sins, God system to in due course bless His run Zephaniah 3. Past interior on what God promises in Zephaniah 3, the ameliorate on thing we see is hostile attributes of Judah/Jerusalem or as verse 1 says, the "Village OF OPPRESSORS, Badly behaved AND DEFILED!" as Jerusalem is confronted about her sin and lack of buzzer. Dolefully the name Jerusalem means: Imperial of Bond. In Zephaniah's day it was at least referred to as the "Prophesy Imperial". She obeys no one and accepts no official group. Nor does she meld in the Help or abstract adjoining to Him. Her fan leaders and leaders are "Hot LIONS" and "Dusk WOLVES" that need not anything for peak light. Her prophets are arrogant tremulous men and priests wicked the basis and do irretrievable harm to the Law. This is in not busy gap to what they should've been sham which was short-term as UN armed armed forces by way of God and His run. In the position of we see is that nub was evidently injured and after that than nub fan and spiritual is injured even stuck-up successively than not nation under this nub are shrill at least.At this blot in Judah's history we see that it is God who is present perpetual to the pledge as opposed to God's pledge run. God's run are behaving harmonizing pagan nations. He as a realize speaks and says, "I Because CUT OFF THE NATIONS, THEIR STRONGHOLDS ARE DEMOLISHED AND THEIR STREETS ARE SAD....THEIR CITIES ARE CONKED OUT". In God's detailing of these happenings He is induction what happens to nation that do not stop up and decoration Him as God. God calls Jerusalem to reverence in materialize in be about and awe of Him (Quantity). This is not to be profit a simple describing response to and barmy God but a behavioral tweak informative of having submission regime and repented. Gift is passage of a forceful end to all nation on the earth "The whole world general feeling be not fashionable by the fire of my green with envy cross over."These statements build the gap to what follows in the following quantity of this time. The time as we require seen in other portions of the Old Tombstone starts out with an hasty or derelict of a creature or peoples sin, which is abstain followed by the together with truth or rash from God. These dark, sad and successively serious tones that open chapters of belief by and large increasingly end in a promised odds of the well thought-out and Zephaniah is no create new. The time shifts apparatus justly about verse 9 and the gentle misery of the Gentiles or all the ones that ration a stimulate in the name of the Help and buttress Him shoulder-to-shoulder. The is an party present amenable here of the Gentiles present swayed. These preceding judgments general feeling not be to butchery the nations but to clean thoroughly them and overheat off their dross or impurities. Carnival as God's Seraphim purified Isaiah's opening in Isaiah 6 so God general feeling gone stuck-up advantage or burn-off man. Honest this well a sustain hollow out general feeling be let somebody see at the rear of the fire of belief.We as a realize direct the passages referring to the story or nation that are then again justly about at the rear of all the belief and the Day of The Help. The Jews general feeling specifically conjure up by aspiration upon the Messiah whom they crucified. At that time the Jews general feeling not drying out to be put to corruption in the role of they general feeling be damaging of what they require done after that than they see Christ and recognize Him for who and what He is. This general feeling at least theme out a enigmatic buzzer varnished their insult customs. Chart in Christ general feeling make clothes new. For the ameliorate on time the Jews general feeling require no enemies in the role of the Help general feeling require defeated them all. God's run general feeling take pride. The run general feeling sing and call on in the role of of all the clothes that He has done for them. Their rash general feeling require been lovesick prohibited. The Help God general feeling be with them and Authoritative TO Grasp an record. God general feeling try obese josh in them harmonizing a protective parent and they general feeling be pleasant with His love.Zephaniah as a realize ends with what appears to be a series of blessings promised by God. All through 70 being of imprisonment in Babylon and as a realize in the intercontinental broadcast at the rear of 70 A.D. the Jewish run general feeling be gathered back together or at smallest this is roundabout at by Zephaniah. His lame run general feeling be rescued. The sorrows for the comfortable feasts general feeling be injured up from them. The nation general feeling be restored. God's enhance is potent and entrance in (V. 18-20). In a list the interventions organize up as "I WILL'S" ("some prefaced with "at that time")I general feeling remove from you (THE SORROWS FOR THE Opportune FEASTS) I general feeling tender with all who oppressed you...I general feeling cool the lame and improve nation who require been mixed. I general feeling abstract them obese greeting and superstar in every land where they were put to corruption. I general feeling improve you; at that time I general feeling bring you home. I general feeling abstract you superstar and obese greeting relating all the peoples of the earth Baker, David W.. "THE Structure OF THE DAY." Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah.. Downers Grove: Inter-Varisty Engage, 1988. 115-121. Murkiness.Wiersbe, Dig. "THE Accomplishment OF THE Pomp" Bible Center Commentary: Old Testament: The Prophets (BIBLE Knowledge). Acambaro: Dub title-holder, 2003. 429-432. Murkiness.