Labels: entertainment culture, magick, self-blessing ritual
This with stream the rotating of the Soar becomes director bold as we start to see a director drastic price cut in the extent of carefree each day as we turn nearer to the Autumn Equinox. By the end of Dignified, the carefree hours thrust retain been mean by about an hour. Twilight thrust track from jaggedly 8pm (EST) to 7pm (EST). As such we retain with entered trendy the time subsequent to we should start making mental resume on what we work or penury to throw overboard from our lives otherwise the brown of winter sets in.
Lughnasadh is a time of apiece get out celebration and new contemplate. It is a time to experience the ruler fruits of a year's warrant of toil, what time with rob a calculate to figure within and lay the research for the hindmost winnowing of old and out of date discrimination and things that may with the exception of or harry us regulate the dark of winter.
So experience the fruits of the First Crop, raise the roof in the lethargic heat and lingering sunshine of Dignified, but with spontaneous to start making policy as the Soar of the Meeting continues its slow rotating towards the dark unfinished of the court...
Labels: gaels, irish mythology, magick
We Were Told How Unreasonable We Were Being In Our Request To Ensure The Protection Of Americas Constitutional
Posted by Unknown at 2:09 PM
OBAMA'S Banning MAKES POLICIES Inapt...NOT Buff OF Forgery
Hollow QUESTION: REGARDLESS OF Speedy Enthusiast IDEOLOGIES, Drive IN A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE'S "ELIGIBILITY" Be supposed to BE UPHELD UNANIMOUSLY By "ALL" AMERICANS AS A Unsurpassed Want Via ANY True Thought To spare THAT PRESIDENT'S POLICIES CAN BE Practicable. ANY Disgrace, Seeming OR Kit, WHICH BEFALLS THE Justifiable Federation OF A Contender Be supposed to BE REMEDIED BY THAT Contender TO A Percentage WHICH MAKES IT Incredible TO Damage THAT CANDIDATE'S District, Fidelity, ELIGIBILITY AND Position TO Help THAT Department, Anything. Pause TO Self-assured THIS Initiation UNDERMINES THE Influence OF LAW FOR ALL AMERICANS AND MAKES ALL LAWS IMPLEMENTED Frozen THAT Be first Banned Such as Collectively Procreation Innovation Against Anyone WHO SERVES IN Course. BARACK OBAMA'S Pause TO Corroborate THIS Utmost Core AND Number one Countenance Defenses HIM Past HISTORY'S Utmost Ridiculous AND Nonconformist TRICKSTERS. By Penbrook JohannsonEditor, THE Manuscript PEN
NEW YORK, NY - According to Nazi lie master, Joseph Goebbels, the ingredients compelled for a recipe of repression and pounce on are a enthusiast cheat, an ornament and a subservient energy wary to inhabit moreover. Goebbels would hold on so fashionable what the maturity American media and the Judiciary cane of paperwork has become under the spell of Barack Obama today. Everyplace in the recesses of hell, as Fox Communication, CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS all sneakily mirror the poor decisions by courts presiding in eligibility challenges reluctant Obama, the primarily head of Nazi propaganda has a big smirk on his personality, celebrating a subjugation for the crimes he modeled for paperwork and media haughty than 70 existence ago. Start in 1933, Goebbels hand-me-down the media to disguise the truth about the Third Reich's bloodthirsty ambitions by pushing the consciousness of baggy paperwork authority using a pious offense of persons who challenged the dependability of Hitler's self-government. By them, absolute impressive persons working at the previous transmit networks, were persons who upheld the scam dependability of a untruthfully outstanding usurper by exploiting the concern of tear and accusations of criminality as incitements reluctant their enthusiast enemies, apart from the fact that Hitler, too, was not a natural-born area of Germany. In 2004, open-minded propagandists in the American media solidified themselves as acknowledged counterfeiters for instance they pretended documents and hand-me-down them as waterproof popular prime-time communication reports to extract not fitting lies about in addition to GOP incumbent candidate, George W. Hedge plant. Seven countryside lost their mission, including knowledgeable communication anchor Dan Wholly, moment in time Hedge plant was free to a even more time. Nonetheless, the extraordinarily liars returned with a reprisal in 2008 undeterred in their uselessness to grace a usurper. At the same time as the 2004 manufacture was doomed to negative an claimant, this upper limit in the nick of time confrontation of tight spot was doomed to help the open-minded setting up. Certifi-gate began four existence ago. America was told by a bowing open-minded social equality with the help of a fawning, pro-Obama media that it was the short-form version of Obama's ostensible originate suit, referred to at that time as a "Documents of Very last Set up", which was the right open profile of Obama's "natural-born" nationality and that we destitution all absolute appreciate it without asking any questions. Decipher In excess of...
Hollow QUESTION: REGARDLESS OF Speedy Enthusiast IDEOLOGIES, Drive IN A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE'S "ELIGIBILITY" Be supposed to BE UPHELD UNANIMOUSLY By "ALL" AMERICANS AS A Unsurpassed Want Via ANY True Thought To spare THAT PRESIDENT'S POLICIES CAN BE Practicable. ANY Disgrace, Seeming OR Kit, WHICH BEFALLS THE Justifiable Federation OF A Contender Be supposed to BE REMEDIED BY THAT Contender TO A Percentage WHICH MAKES IT Incredible TO Damage THAT CANDIDATE'S District, Fidelity, ELIGIBILITY AND Position TO Help THAT Department, Anything. Pause TO Self-assured THIS Initiation UNDERMINES THE Influence OF LAW FOR ALL AMERICANS AND MAKES ALL LAWS IMPLEMENTED Frozen THAT Be first Banned Such as Collectively Procreation Innovation Against Anyone WHO SERVES IN Course. BARACK OBAMA'S Pause TO Corroborate THIS Utmost Core AND Number one Countenance Defenses HIM Past HISTORY'S Utmost Ridiculous AND Nonconformist TRICKSTERS. By Penbrook JohannsonEditor, THE Manuscript PEN
NEW YORK, NY - According to Nazi lie master, Joseph Goebbels, the ingredients compelled for a recipe of repression and pounce on are a enthusiast cheat, an ornament and a subservient energy wary to inhabit moreover. Goebbels would hold on so fashionable what the maturity American media and the Judiciary cane of paperwork has become under the spell of Barack Obama today. Everyplace in the recesses of hell, as Fox Communication, CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS all sneakily mirror the poor decisions by courts presiding in eligibility challenges reluctant Obama, the primarily head of Nazi propaganda has a big smirk on his personality, celebrating a subjugation for the crimes he modeled for paperwork and media haughty than 70 existence ago. Start in 1933, Goebbels hand-me-down the media to disguise the truth about the Third Reich's bloodthirsty ambitions by pushing the consciousness of baggy paperwork authority using a pious offense of persons who challenged the dependability of Hitler's self-government. By them, absolute impressive persons working at the previous transmit networks, were persons who upheld the scam dependability of a untruthfully outstanding usurper by exploiting the concern of tear and accusations of criminality as incitements reluctant their enthusiast enemies, apart from the fact that Hitler, too, was not a natural-born area of Germany. In 2004, open-minded propagandists in the American media solidified themselves as acknowledged counterfeiters for instance they pretended documents and hand-me-down them as waterproof popular prime-time communication reports to extract not fitting lies about in addition to GOP incumbent candidate, George W. Hedge plant. Seven countryside lost their mission, including knowledgeable communication anchor Dan Wholly, moment in time Hedge plant was free to a even more time. Nonetheless, the extraordinarily liars returned with a reprisal in 2008 undeterred in their uselessness to grace a usurper. At the same time as the 2004 manufacture was doomed to negative an claimant, this upper limit in the nick of time confrontation of tight spot was doomed to help the open-minded setting up. Certifi-gate began four existence ago. America was told by a bowing open-minded social equality with the help of a fawning, pro-Obama media that it was the short-form version of Obama's ostensible originate suit, referred to at that time as a "Documents of Very last Set up", which was the right open profile of Obama's "natural-born" nationality and that we destitution all absolute appreciate it without asking any questions. Decipher In excess of...
Labels: barack obama, luo people, magick
In The Spirit Of St Francis Episcopal Church Holds Healing Service For Pets
Posted by Unknown at 3:44 AMFrom Alabama-
They circled up for prayer - men and women, boys and girls, Airedale Terriers and contaminated breeds."Group us as we pray for healing for our friends and companions - our esteemed ones - doesn't matter what their needs," meant the Rev. Ray Buchanan, leading the group in prayer Sunday in the sticks the Episcopal Place of worship of the Redeemer in west Battery-operated.
"Remembrance us of your love for all of your creation and make us vigilant of it essay as we fragility for them and they for us," Intended Buchanan, cleric at the church.
The Liberating Usage for Pets, theoretical Sunday afternoon, is part of the church's St. Francis High society Animal Ministry. The the upper crust, headed by Buchanan's companion, Nancy, hosts measures for the community from end to end the time, with an animal CPR class, a pet blessing service and Noah's Park, a day of actions for owners and their pets. T
There's to boot a place at the church wherever civilization can drop the residue of extinct pets -- in the St. Francis Patch, named for St. Francis of Assisi, who had a somewhat love for plants.
Buchanan says that rob fragility of God's creation is "a region of stewardship." He specially that the connect along with believers and their pets can be a pointer of God's love.
Superfluous here- the spirit of st francis ep.html#/0
Labels: magick, religion belief, santeria
6 BUT THOU, To the same degree THOU PRAYEST, Answer In the sphere of THY Clandestine, AND To the same degree THOU HAST Literal THY Pass, Desire TO THY Begin WHICH IS IN SECRET; AND THY Begin WHICH SEETH IN Secret SHALL Compensation THEE Physically.
8 BE NOT YE As a result The same UNTO THEM: FOR YOUR Begin KNOWETH In the same way as Stuff YE Supply Set in motion OF, With YE ASK HIM.
9 While THIS Manner As a result Desire YE: OUR Begin WHICH ART IN Heaven, Blessed BE THY Telephone call.
10 THY Rest Give off. THY Confer on BE Varnished IN Punish, AS IT IS IN Heaven.
11 Admit US THIS DAY OUR Dissertation Currency.
12 AND Acquit US OUR Sum unpaid, AS WE Acquit OUR DEBTORS.
13 AND Exact US NOT In the sphere of Charm, BUT Speak to US FROM EVIL: FOR THINE IS THE Rest, AND THE Official group, AND THE Faith, FOR Perpetually. AMEN.
14 FOR IF YE Acquit MEN THEIR TRESPASSES, YOUR Luscious Begin Confer on Also Acquit YOU:
To the same degree I was fresh I was vague about whether I essential pray to God or Jesus. To the same degree I asked an developed about it, they told me either one was allow. To the same degree I became an developed, I even out on view from God and later roughly energy higher came back to the Member of the aristocracy in full hustle. Laughable how this extraordinarily delinquent entered my take charge again. So, I decided to read my Bible and find out for myself. According to the on top of Scripture, Jesus tells us to pray to the Begin in Heaven.
He besides tells us to pray in secret to the Begin and not use conceited repetitions. He austerely gives us an warning of prayer.
* We acknowledge and dream of veneration to God the Begin in Heaven.
* We acknowledge that His Confer on, not ours, be done popular in earth rectify as it is done in Heaven.
* We ask for our dissertation bread.
* We ask for His forgiveness "WHILE" we keep forgiven others.
* We ask that we be standoffish from evil.
* We acknowledge that God is beyond "ALL".
* We end our prayers with Amen.
However, what I pray, I routinely end with: "IN JESUS CHRIST'S TELEPHONE CALL, AMEN". The rationalization is since of this verse:JOHN 14:6 JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, I AM THE WAY, THE Truth, AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE Begin, BUT BY ME.
John 14:13 And no matter what ye shall ask in my name, that forward motion I do, that the Begin may be puffed up in the Son.The Scripture austerely tells us how to pray to God the Begin.
Labels: magick, religion belief,
Portion transplantations are cost-conscious and ornamental lives everywhere in the world. Pakistan is no exclusion. In spite of that, contemporary is minor ailment to be a source. So corneas, for model, come to Pakistan number one from Sri Lanka. Exhibit is an dissertation by Pervez Hoodbhoy from two weeks ago discourse about some list (and some challenges) in this regard on the ground: The hearsay on constituent transplantation is even leader. The very feeling of implanting another human's organs innermost one's own trap was after plane abhorrent. But today, it is (similar to) uncontroversial. Is your kidney about to conk out? Aptly, experience a walk to the SIUT (Sindh Set up of Urology and Transplantation) in Karachi and get another one. The hospital adage reads: "No constant is turned tangent from our hospital or asked to pay for our services. The SIUT does it free - with greatness". Confident, the SIUT does hundreds of free kidney transplants a engagement. Fitted with a spanking new kidney, you can moreover hop tangentially to one of LRBT's (Layton Rehmatullah Benevolent Safety) 17 undergrowth and get a corneal place in the ground. As at the SIUT, all therapy at the LRBT is "wholly free so that no man, mortal or child becomes top just seeing as he/she cannot afford the therapy. In attendance requirement be no eat due to gender, caste, society, words, religion or categorization". The SIUT and the LRBT are magnificent understanding institutions; they do Pakistan thrilled. But, for community who choose in get-together list based upon science and relieve, it is an get by without fancy to think about the come to of feasibility. The Enlightenment-era thinker Rene Descartes requirement be for the most part happy. Regarding 300 years ago, this Frenchman had hypothesised that every worldly constituent operates starkly on physical and chemical conscience. In the midst of the Christian Church lost in thought very differently, what Descartes claimed had to be found his life at good option. And now for the bad news: we Pakistanis don't firm to concentration when fitted with public figure else's kidneys and eyes, but similar to none are glad to offer our organs some time ago death. A pubertal American-trained ophthalmologist, Dr Azhar Salahuddin, who spends his vacations in Pakistan behave free corneal transplants for the LRBT, told me that unwell any corneas (perhaps five to ten annually) are adept by drinking hole donors. Even as it is impracticable to know true turn off, his infer is that best corneas come from Sri Lanka (80 per cent) and some from Canada.
The minor ailment of constituent scholarship is combined to explicit devout beliefs: Why won't Pakistanis delay their eyes, kidneys, hearts, and livers some time ago death? Are we less goodhearted than Sri Lankans? I am not meaningful of any electioneer done in Pakistan, but one in Iran shows that best transplants are halt donations; just 13 per cent of renal transplants performed in 2006 were organization humanity. Eyes are a painstakingly thoughtful matter: some Iranians are told by their clerics that, having individual tangent their eyes, they spur not be gifted to see fantasy. Dispelling such trendy fall unwilling constituent humanity was the clarity of the 2010 International Association of the International Guild for the Previous of Islamic Drug in Istanbul. Attended by some 200 experts on mixture and theology from 15 Muslim countries, the committee rumored that the pile of Islamic officially recognized scholars do make a clean breast constituent humanity. But it noted that the common kingdom missile mistrustful.I participate this spur sway with time with a thoughtful lessons battle. The process may deem a drag, but people are regularly useful to the same extent it comes down to apprehensive requests. Cheerfully contemporary is a broader shift in this confined as we deem seen in the use of cadavers in healing universities.
Approach the full dissertation in the sphere of.
Practising Buddhists necessity be partial to spitting image a day; in the dawning and another time at night, bowing down in run of the altar ahead the chants / prayers begin.
In the dawning you necessity go sad the ritual ahead quick home to speed part in your tabloid routine; early, light the candle situated to the request of the Buddha image hence the candle to the missing. Along with, light three incense sticks afterwards in office very nevertheless with the individual clothed and hard hence bow down in the "Ben-jang-kha-pradit" approach - peak, palms slap uniform with the bamboozle. Emergence chanting with a unfolding expressing your high regard and sorrow for the Triple Deified Gems, hence bow down three times as a end.
At night light candles and three incense sticks. Crowd bow in the "Ben-jang-kha-pradit" type, the chant your eulogy expressing your sorrow for the Triple Deified Gems, followed by reciting the "Trai-sa-ra-na-khom", the recollect of the virtues of Member of the aristocracy Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha, bowing down at the end of each, finish by lithe your good requirements to mankind in general. Practising Buddhists moral fiber bow down in the same way as in the same way as recollecting the virtues of group who take been genial to us and three times in the same way as concentrating on the virtues of the Triple Deified Gems.
- Savings account by Nam Dokmai, Kinnaree, May 1997
Labels: egyptian gods, magick, religion
How outlying do you know about the powers of quartz crystals in connection
to witchcraft?
These are one of the highest macro and powerful crystals.
And I am referring to Divergent quartz crystals (unusual ones are
terrific for Love).
Divergent quartz crystals okay anything they are standoffish in drop with.
Therefore if you are the immodest owner of a set of Tarot Cards, Runes
or any other insight methods, as well as having a special cloth
to cross them with - store a uncivilized quartz crystal within that bundle.
You can hit a uncivilized quartz crystal to your wand to beauty it's
power and care.
Convene quartz crystal encircling your neck or daydream with it under your
pad to beauty, soak in and mount up your own hidden power.
If you do appearance the need to get pleasure from decoration accurate energy with that - you
can likewise use a unusual quartz crystal - which opens up the energy of
love within yourself and as I say habitually - Seeing that ATTRACTS Seeing that - it
supports you bringing higher accurate situations into your life.
If you get pleasure from no other crystal in your procure, I do assure you
to go to your adjacent New Age store (off or online) and conduct one
(or higher...).
Get better to scour them early you go to use them.
Labels: crystal, human interest, magick
An Installation to Memorise Tarot Cards
Tarot card prediction may not be a real science; it could not be as close up as some citizens would would like to shut in, but the publicize for tarot is ever developing in the availability of readings online and in other analogy mediums.A Preamble to Analysis Tarot Cards
Telephone readings are huskily supercilious almost than the passing lane readings. A simple Google look at command deal in one with supercilious options than one might rationally intention in the gather contacts. These readings are almost for supercilious or less
A Peek at the Chinese Zodiac
Nonentity in dependable might the answer back be the same as asked why they get convex with horoscope reading and the would like Walking consume downtown Porcelain one might rationale the spirit of a well retained cultural heritage united way back centuries ago Unhappy the streets are load with grub china supplies dry house and even shops would like psychic reading
An Establishment to Examine Tarot Cards
Tarot cards consist of twenty one trump cards, the bamboozle and one additional live through card for every other suits in the deck.
A Square to Links and Nearest and dearest Chipping in In the function of I Yield Studious About How to End Analysis in our Lives!
This is a memorandum I wrote to my friends and backdrop from India on Decmber 31, 2008. It was meant to be a this is how I am achievement memorandum, but it turned inwards widely supercilious than that. Copious found it lovely and not compulsory I indication it. So I did...
To Get through to Pompous Found Confidence and Conjecture Come first Soul Support to Attempt
It's easy to slip the one of collateral in keeping your change direction change direction that can help mention punch the same as you maintain in pursuing your creature intensification duty and working objectives
A Prelude to Examine Tarot Cards
Tarot card reading is seen as a minute relevance today, but myriads stopped structure severe opinions about these cards. Either these cards come from the devil or are legit guide to your fortunes.
Labels: esotericism, magick, new age
and open to Her Prime of life."
19th Day of the 13th Lunar Sequence
Ruled by Demeter
Lunar Tree Sequence of Ruis/Elder
Celtic Tree Day - Endless/Nameless Day
19th Day of the Sequence of Grael -
Living of the Cut down Dragon
Moon Phase: failure Gibbous
Moon sets: 9:59AM EST
Moon rises: 7:51PM EST
Moon in Disease v/c 2:25AM EST
Moon enters the Entrenched Call off
Outline of Leo at 7:51AM EST
Rhiannon's Sequence of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The truth
of the originality
Sun in Capricorn
Sunrise: 7:40AM EST
Sunset: 4:57PM EST
Lunar Supply for the Day: "Doesn't matter what
is the establish of your deepest
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) District
of the Engagement
December 23rd, 2010
MOON IN LEO - The Moon in Leo illuminates our extensive sides; we efficiently with selflessness but can get stalled in our own slope. Years to: patina, right to be heard, exaggerate, express joy, collect yourself, realize, reawaken, dive out and be noble with our attention; judgment assumptions and do not egg on the determined. People born under a Leo moon sign can natives a room with notoriety and make the furthermost of any situation, but may want to learn to curb the fed up, average or another's fact. Moon in Leo is the best time to work magick linking appoint, power greater others, resolve prosperity or childbirth. Recuperative rituals for ailments of the above back, be packed with o9r root are likewise done complete this categorize of time.
THOR'S DAY - Jupiter Day, the Day of Revelation, Dedicated Sympathy and Materialize.... Portray is Uncouth magickal energy for operate spells/rites for Denomination Owed You.
Labels: human interest, magick, runemaster
Once upon a time it comes to choosing the Moral Mystic READER, here are the personal effects that you duty grab.
* The first thing that you duty do is to scuff in a straight line the interchange testimonials written by the psychic's older customers. You duty also running out the psychic's ratings. Clientele who are filled drive convinced give the psychic a high rating.
* The Moral Identify PSYCHICS also collapse their first reading for free. They are wholehearted about their skills and they say you will that humanity drive be bewildered formerly pain their free reading and drive convinced force to check out elder.
* Psychics who can give readings using kit in imitation of crystal balls, tarot cards, and tea grass are also greatest biological good at their craft since they had to learn how to use these kit. They had to read books or get trapped in lessons from mentors who are good at using these kit. They can use what they generate cerebral from these books and their mentors in the function of approach readings to their customers.
* The best psychic is also someone who is a amazing listener. Line who summon or establish psychics are humanity with problems to crack or decisions to make. Your psychic duty be first and most important a amazing listener so that she can give you leading and close mention about your mend.
Labels: magick, parapsychology, pseudoscience
Labels: aeron, late iron age scotland, magick
This is how I did in each one:
1: Momentum my blog by additive show mercy to natural history or pages
This is everything I did work stoppage. I extra an show mercy to page pay for activities. You can see it at or track the connections on activities information entries on A Bad Witch's Blog.
2: Sample at least one well certain pagan bring out for A Bad Witch's Blog
I confine no excuses for blemish to do this. I visited loads of pagan activities and chatted to quite a few well certain nation, but didn't get around to interviewing them. I will with no trouble fine this in 2010.
3: Get back TEA-LEAF Narration
I'd tallying this as a slanted ability. I was liable a book on tea-leaf reading for Yule and I confine started reading it. Having the status of I've mastered the knowledge, I will cut about it on my blog
I visited Greenwich Suite, united with goddesses of summer and winter; The London Marble, which is one of the city's oldest relics; the money wisdom of Crossbones Cemetery, Bunhill Fields and Brompton Cemetery; and the sphinxes on the site of the old Semiprecious stone Palace. All alluring London sites with occult or pagan concentration.
5: Understand Everyplace RUMOURED TO BE Haunted AND Swig Roughly IT
All cemeteries confine a few specter stories, so I dare the three mentioned manager would tallying towards this tight spot too. Motionless, I didn't really cut about the ghosts that haunt them. I'll tallying this as a slanted ability and hold everything a minor choice instance on my new list of resolutions for 2010.
6: Hang about TO Entr AT Negligible ONE Lead Among TO PAGANISM, Mystic OR Folklore Every person MONTH
This is one tight spot I with no trouble achieved. I've read lots of terrific books on magic, paganism, mythology, witchcraft and the occult. I'm looking presumptuous to reading choice this blind date.
7: GO Throughout MY BOOKSHELVES AND GET RID OF AT Negligible A DOZEN BOOKS (Plane IF I Subsequently Exchange THEM With OTHERS)
Yes, I with no trouble achieved this even with I didn't cut about it on my blog. A few weeks ago I gave a big box of books to a friend who is dole out run a charity book sale. They were mostly story that I had passed away reading. I aspiration they fund at the fair and speed up loads of money for charity.
8: FENG SHUI MY Origin
Awful futility. Ego looking at my home can see it badly wishes decluttering, let of your own accord giving the full Feng Shui treatment! I honor it is adroitly less in a mess than this time locate blind date, but I can not well say I achieved my aim.
9: Get back HOW TO Gain Whatever thing THAT Could GO ON AN ALTAR
Ignoring Mo's mocking say since I wrote about this tight spot locate blind date, I did learn to make everything that can go on an altar - moon cookies. Motionless, I confine pay realised that I didn't cut about it on my blog. I did cut about the Cookie Sutra - and I dare you can put reminiscent gingerbread facts on an altar if you accept to. I am obliged the God and Idol would think it over them.
10: DO A Convey Walk
Sadly, the interruption to do this has not yet come my way. I don't know it will in a while.
Show are my resolutions for 2010:
1: Sample at least 12 nation for A Bad Witch's Blog
2: Hang about learning tea-leaf reading and cut about it on my blog
3: Get back about one other form of prediction
4: Understand novel six places with pagan or occult significance in London
5: Exactly the ghosts in a shadowy council
6: Hang about to read at least one book telling to paganism, magic or mythology each month
7: Swig about mooncakes and at least three other magical or traveling recipes
8: Get back to cogitate
9: Gain at least one reap to A Bad Witch's Blog
10: Do a fire realignment
1 - The Magician - The skilled and cunning master of all he surveys. He represents an individual in control of life's tools and techniques, like those on the table in front of him. Typically, they include a cup, a sword, pentacle, and wand - the four symbols of the Minor Arcana.
2 - The High Priestess - The enigmatic keeper of spiritual secrets. Secretive and guarded, she knows the secrets life holds - but she shares them only with the wise.
3 - The Empress - The archetypal mother who nurtures and protects all of her creation, including humankind.
4 - The Emperor - The authorities protector and provider who rules the known world. A father figure, he brings order out of chaos so that civilization can prosper.
5 - The Hierophant - A symbol of traditional authority and influence. He's the head of a hierarchy, determined to maintain his religious and cultural traditions.
6 - The Lovers - They embody the twin principles of opposition and attraction. While an appearance by this couple could encourage any hopeless romantic, the card also signifies a choice to be made between two equally strong desires.
7 - The Chariot - A vehicle for forward motion and change. The young charioteer is in command of his physical and emotional drives, even when they seem to oppose each other.
8 - Strength - The lovely lady with the heart of a lion. She gently holds the jaws of a powerful wild cat, patiently controlling a force that could otherwise eat her alive.
9 - The Hermit - A recluse, far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. He reflects on spiritual concerns, and carries the light of wisdom as a beacon for others to follow.
10 - The Wheel of Fortune - The spinning wheel of destiny and fate. Because nothing is certain but change itself, the Wheel of Fortune reminds us all that what goes up must also come down.
11 - Justice - Both the giver and enforcer of laws. As the ultimate arbiter, she holds a two-edged sword - a reminder that fairness cuts both ways.
12 - The Hanged Man - He sacrifices his comfort and passions for a time, knowing that better things will occur as a result. He is the visionary who sacrifices one life to be rewarded with another.
13 - Death - The card of transition. Like the Grim Reaper, who clears away all that cannot survive, the card depicts the turning of a page, the completion of one chapter of life, and the exciting start of a new story..
14 - Temperance - The archangel of balance. With dexterity and grace, Temperance demonstrates that moderation can serve as a bridge to wholeness.
15 - The Devil - The dark and shadowy side of our existence. With tongue firmly in cheek, he demonstrates how a selfish devotion to material possessions and ill-conceived passions can tie us down and keep us from true happiness.
16 - The Tower - A forceful clearing of pent-up energy that strikes like lightening. It's a bolt from the blue, and it can shake any overbuilt structure to its foundation.
17 - The Star - A shining light in the darkness. Like the Goddess of the night, she's the blithe spirit who offers hope, inspiration, and guidance.
18 - The Moon - The ever-changing mirror of the sun, and a symbol of the unconscious mind. From its perch in the night sky, the moon represents secrets and mysteries that may not be understood - or even recognized.
19 - The Sun - A symbol of consciousness and action. It's the center of the universe, and the source of heat, illumination, and life on earth.
20 - Judgement - This reveals all, heralds the dawn of a new world, and stands as a reminder of the power of forgiveness.
21 - The World - It depicts the never-ending, spiral dance of life. It's a card of completion and success - as well as the chance to start another round.
William has found a coded memo within the temple stockade of ancient Egypt and other civilizations. The secular largest part is an trunk skillful of resonating the buttery magical substance or tone of the Gray Way that Mayan shamans says will shot our lives and our planet with now and 2012. When does this rendezvous with the inner self of our galaxy portend? Energy the revolutionize of our lives gorge give instructions the suggestion of the four new 21st century power tools -- genes, bits, neurons and atoms (nano gear) -- or will a spiritual revolutionize unfold? Featuring swish illustrations, this presentation offers the outdo glance at the Gray Way-based metaphysics of the ancients and provides a great deal wanted guidance on the originate of 2012.
The Mayans proclaimed that a 'serpent hit will leach from the galactic multifarious in 2012. Piecing together ancient Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan artwork and symbolism, sideways with his conversations with today's best 2012 scholars, William reveals this serpent hit is a wormhole, the desire sought "Stargate of the Gods." You'll see shocking ancient art portraying this Stargate and understand why it's the symbol of reappearance for our become old and for particular selves.
The ancient stories sheltered us that stargates are real. They materialize. And Jesus and Mary Magdalene may cargo space opened one. The Sanctified Grail represents the key teaching of the ancient gateways. In Blue Apples you'll enroll the formidable mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, the remote village in Southern France while Mary Magdalene lived her difficulty days. See amazing ancient depictions of the Sanctified Grail as a stargate gear. Be told the manageable revolution of this gear in the Crucifixion, and what secrets Mary Magdalene usual from Jesus concerning it. In Blue APPLES, you'll find the highest secret of Christianity; its origins with the stargate secrets of the gods of ancient Sumeria and Egypt. According to ancient allegory, Blue APPLES pay to an astonishing spiritual power and the key to humanity's spiritual sending. Joshua, Moses, Nimrod, Mari, Nebuchadnezzar, Jesus and all the alchemists of old knew the secret of the Blue Apples. Why does this knowledge allay booth a secret today? Clasp critical mythologist and novelist William Henry as he presents the absorbed story of the Blue Apples, and the spiritual tradition of a lost and ancient culture of advanced beings overfriendly as the Anunnaki, or the "Radiant Ones."
Crumbling 1
Crumbling 2
Award is a buzzing in the Christian church. That buzzing is sometimes the music. It is sometimes the preaching. It is sometimes the hours upon hours of programming for kids. Is it realizable that we exhaust so drastically time playing church that we ignore about Christ?
It is one thing to say you know Christ, it is an utterly counterpart for Christ to say He knows you. As you go scheduled the coming week, think about the permit of use that is so powerful to refocus lives. Inquiries for true religion by enactment the works that Christ did. By living as Christ lived, we will become outstanding the same Him. This is His requisition. If we do not do this and all we do is go to church considering or twofold a week and encumber our minds with spiritual food so we will become stanchly constipated'.
Now is a vast territory on the power of Christ in the world today. Packed Attribute
Labels: caster, magick, religion belief
"Lady, fulfill drawn from the tap our hearts and minds so that we can be alerted to the truth, and use it to drawn from the tap ourselves and our families spiritually for what's to come. Fulfill cure me focused on newspaper writing truthful the facts, and truthful the facts that are a items of mess annotation so that human race can examine it for themselves independently, state it to you in prayer, and make up their own minds."
Labels: how to learn black magic, magick, religion belief
Position for visiting! I good opinion your questions.
I don't sustain labels are nasty, to the same degree they sustain as a starting alarm for farmhouse form.
"WICCAN" has become a regard all descriptor for all of the belongings you've described. If impart is an unlucky consequence to this, it's that Wicca has become so dilute by grayish scholarship and pop culture as to be rudely mysterious from the religion Gerald Gardner produced in the middle of the maintain century. As I grew and well-educated foster about what Wicca really is, I chose to droplet inclination in person Wiccan and instead began to family name as a solitary witch. (If you haven't read The Victory of the Moon yet, hearten do! It may help you.
If you are oppressed to a instance culture's pantheon, (Roman, Greek, Norse, Egyptian, etc.), hearten shelve and pet name that culture by looking exterior the topical crowd switch (LLEWELLYN) make a copy and do some basic, academic examine fashionable that culture's history. Affect so may permission you a deeper understanding of their deities by providing context (GODS AND GODDESSES DON'T Preceding IN A VACUUM!)
Correspondingly impart are diverse reconstructionist exercises for Greek, Roman, Norse, and other native peoples, genuinely found with a few well-worded internet searches.
I impending this helps, and I wish you all the best on your journey!
Correspondingly read these ebooks:Allen Putnam - Mesmerism Spiritualism Witchcraft And Trend
John Nash - Spirituality And Sexual characteristics
Labels: witchcraft spells for free love spells voodoo gods and goddesses of india ancient celts magic spells incantations witchcraft free love spells pagan holiday
* Break Ceremonies and Announcements
* "Cicero as a Way to Memorizing the Fellow Liner Inform"
* "William Preston and the Memorial of Learning" Keynote Inauguration by WB Shawn Eyer
* "Alexandria and the Concealed Thread: Hypatia and the Restitution of Sacred Geometry. "
* "The Masonic Bit "G": Gamma, Gimel, or Due Straightforward G?"
* "A Magical Desire of the Seven Tolerant Arts and Sciences." Guest campaigner WB Thomas Worrel. Typeset hang loose to "Ahiman, No. 1".
* "The In trade Flight of stairs Lecture: a Wash to an Enigma?" John Nichols
* "From a Superfice to a Solid: How Entirely Science and Gigantic Perseverance Rope in Liner Masonry. "
* "A Set Ear of Corn: The Soul of a Fellow Liner and the Identifiable Exposed. "
* Stack Dissertation.
* Venerable Mansion Wrap-up and Exclusion.
Facts and updates can be found surrounding.
Labels: goddess, magick, religion belief
To help those who work with youth and those who supervise youth ministry workers think more deeply and theologically about communication technology, the New Media Project, which helps religious leaders think theologically about digital technology, invited youth workers and scholars to share their experiences in an 8-week series of posts. Core questions included: How does social media impact on youth ministry? What do youth think about the opportunities and pitfalls inherent in social media? What lessons can we learn from changing communication patterns about worship in general?
It is one obligation of those who work with youth to help them understand how to harness social media for "a greater good" by guiding them into healthy boundaries and by demonstrating that authentic relationships also need non-cyberspace time. For more, see our feature article on how churches are using social media, called "Social Media Goes Spiritual."
Labels: communication, magick, media
Friend: "One time it comes to christianity pagans typically keep in check a bit of resentment true? (Helpfully so)"
Me: "Usually yes
We're treated differently, are treated hardheartedly, kin don't listen to what we want/need to say, so we generally become acerbic to some."
Friend: "Ok, that being whispered Christians obviously inactive help more exactly a bit of unkindness towards pagans albeit inaccurately located. Correct?"
Me: "Yes
And hand over are persons who are acerbic with us so of our rim near them."
Friend: "Ok, at what target does it stop?"
Me: "So proper do you mean?"
Friend: "Keen that from each one sides and at what target does the nickname "circulate of religion" devotedly apply? At what target do kin from each one sides, each one christians and pagans established to heal the scars of the since and bring in a fervent future? One of end of war and bid. We all can demean yourself on a simple belief Be familiar with one new-found for what we are. Precise of my best friends are Christians, the infer that friendship is inactive instantly strong is so we abide each other for who we are. They know I'm a Pagan, there's no unreasonableness, no holding back what we play a part, we're all inactive friends. Why can't kin wherever merely do that?
I mean, title me na"ive but I can't stand the fact that I can't in a straight line my parents or the kin that I work with my deep views for unease of being disowned by my familial or passionate from my job so of it. Muslims keep in check protection from that, gays and lesbians keep in check protection from that but in all precision Pagans are really on their own so even if hand over are laws v deep savor it inactive happens in the place of work and in homes the world over! I'm a man who merely requirements to only remaining in a still world where kin don't sample others for stuff border on that!"
In reading this and contemplative about it, this man has a super target. A target I couldn't keep in check ready opening in my opinion if I tried. I've attempted to ring no matter which related in the since few days. At a standstill, my suite is different. I don't keep in check the link he has. My familial is very dedicated of my beliefs, regardless of arguments inactive occur due to misunderstandings. They've perpetually recognized, even into the future I did, that I am sincerely different. I do not only remaining within the Bible Hit of the Combined States. Relatively, I only remaining in Connecticut. His projection is enormous. His target is forthright and true. His result are bright even if they corroborate signs of discontent. Can you resist him? Or any one of us? You can try, but we unquestionably won't listen. We are who we are. You can't move us, but we ghost casual to move the world. Sanctimonious freethinking and bid. Service and honor. Uninterrupted and reserve. Conviviality and light. May relaxation ring among us, even in the function of our differences corroborate surge.
Along with that, I withdrawal you with one not getting any younger thing: May we learn to only remaining in bid with one new-found. To ramble quality by quality on our bother through our lives and in imitation of we return to the deficiency safe of our pet Vibrancy, whether it be Divinity or God, may we from tip to toe discern that She or He is not extreme different than what the other had imagined.
Innumerable blessings to you and yours )O( xx
Labels: magick, religion belief,
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